Just scored a Mark III

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
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I saw this on EBay. I know nothing about these amps but something just made me click Buy it Now. I own a DSL100 but have always been SO curious about the Mark Series. I love Petrucci tones and Black album tones etc. but have always been intimdated by these amps.

Anyway, check it out and tell me how I did and what I'm in for. I paid $800.







Actually I have another question too. What do you guys do for a boost in volume if you're only living on the high gain channel?

My thought is to play rhythm swith the V curve on the eq and then click off the eq for solos and the boost in mids will give more perceived volume.

Any experiences would be appreciated.

Thanks again,

Nazgul666 said:
Actually I have another question too. What do you guys do for a boost in volume if you're only living on the high gain channel?

My thought is to play rhythm swith the V curve on the eq and then click off the eq for solos and the boost in mids will give more perceived volume.

Any experiences would be appreciated.

Thanks again,


That's a great idea and to add to it, you can always get a clean boost pedal. MXR Micro Amp, Xotic BB Preamp, something that has a decent amount of db in it to use as a solo boost. Now, the MArk III already has a **** ton of gain so throwing a boost into the mix will definitely add some and you will probably get some feedback but... If you are a good pedal dancer or a volume knob artist, a noise gate is not needed.
I think the EQ Boost idea is a good one. For that, you would need an EQ/REV footswitch, and your amp only came with a Reverb single button switch. You could buy one from Mesa for $70, or build one yourself. I built one for my MKIII with about $12 worth of parts from RadioShack. It works like a charm.
>Photi G< said:
I think the EQ Boost idea is a good one. For that, you would need an EQ/REV footswitch, and your amp only came with a Reverb single button switch. You could buy one from Mesa for $70, or build one yourself. I built one for my MKIII with about $12 worth of parts from RadioShack. It works like a charm.

Thanks. I did see something on Ebay that was a four button switch for the Mark that had three plugs. It was made by the the Switch Doctor or something like that. It looked pretty cool.

Can you get a smooth sustaining lead sound out of the Mark III without the EQ engaged?

Hey didn't Sykes use a Mark III on the 1987 album. Man, if I can get anything close to that tone with this amp, I'll be set for life!!
Just some tweaking advice since you said you knew nothing about these amps.
Treble is the most important tone shaper. Low treble setting reduces gain.
Just keep that in mind.
Bass settings will also make the bottom end flubb when set high. I usually have bass between 0 - 2, and add what's missing at the GEQ.
The pickups in your guitar is important.
Hot pickups and high settings at volume 1 will make your bottom end flubb.

Use some time to get to know the amp, it might take longer than you would expect.

They sound awesome.
i used to use the eq bypass pedal for solos back in the day. it worked quiet well......i guess....this was the And Justice For All days when there were no mids in your sounds at all. by pass the eq mids come back in sweet screaming solo....so yes my Mark III sounded great for leads bypassing the GEQ, but my super scooped metallica ryth, sucked big time, but i am sure it was just me you should be able to find something, but there may not be to much of a difference in loudness. the way i have my GEC set up now it may actually get more quiet when i bypass the eq. i would take the head to a store and try using different boost's and see what you like. maybe an MXR 10 band eq. ? echoplex pre ?
Nazgul666 said:
>Photi G< said:
Can you get a smooth sustaining lead sound out of the Mark III without the EQ engaged?

Hey didn't Sykes use a Mark III on the 1987 album. Man, if I can get anything close to that tone with this amp, I'll be set for life!!

You can definitely get a sweet smooth sustaining lead tone out of the Mark III without the GEQ engaged.
Something to remember is preamp and power tubes make all the world a difference as well. What are you using for tubes in both sections?

Sykes I believe used the Mark III Coliseums which are just crazy loud. Sweet tone none the less. You will find that cranking the III just becomes that much sweeter the harder its driven. 8)

All the Best,

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