Just put 60w light bulbs in my Pre-1000's power section!

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Dec 18, 2007
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WOW. We're talkin TONE here, folks. Before I had the JJ 6L6's in my #999 Pre-1000 Recto, but I just put in some Sylvania 60w incandescent light bulbs instead and it sounds AMAZING! When I first turned it on, there was a lot of popping, sizzling, and smoking coming from the back of the amp, but its fine now and sounds fabulous.

you know, i find your stupid respones boring and a waste of time on the board.

Not to mention you are just waisting band width by posting stupid posts.

The only funny thing about your post, is the light bulbs you put in your rec are truly alot brighter then you, but then again i think most second graders are.

Pre-1000 Recto Joe said:
WOW. We're talkin TONE here, folks. Before I had the JJ 6L6's in my #999 Pre-1000 Recto, but I just put in some Sylvania 60w incandescent light bulbs instead and it sounds AMAZING! When I first turned it on, there was a lot of popping, sizzling, and smoking coming from the back of the amp, but its fine now and sounds fabulous.

No i am just tired of the bull$hit, i actually believe any of the recto's with the Mark III trannies are special, this coming from someone that owns a pre-500.

I can see making fun of it if you want, but making a screen name and seperate stupid posts just goes to far. It is sad that someone has to go that far to entertain him/herself.

Skunknugget said:
Someone's menstruating... :!: