Just can't get on with EV12L Theile

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2007
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I've had a second-hand Theile with an EV for 6 months with my Mark IV and I just can't get a really good sounds out of it.

I have a Marshall JCM800 closed back 2x12 with T-75s and it just kicks the Thiele when using with my Marshall or the Mesa.

The Marshall cab has way more bass and is so pleasing on the ears, the Thiele sounds a bit nasaly, thin and well unpleasant, it makes the Mark IV sound like a very average amp.

There's nothing wrong with the Mark IV, it's mullarded out and sounds awesome through the marshall cab.

The speaker seems clear enough, just not enough bass and with a nasty, nasaly mids. If I use the eq to cut them out, it wont cut through a mix. Do you think the EV12 is old and knackered or is it just the combo of this cab and speaker? I wish I could drop a new EV in to test it but obviously it's not easy to do that. Does anyone have any sage advice?

I replaced my Thiele 1x12" with a Engl 1x12" Vintage Cab (V30 inside) and have never looked back. The Engl Cab sounded a lot tighter and better in the mix. I also had an open back 1x12" open back Thiele Cab which sounded good clean but not so good for distortion sounds. IMO the EV speaker really shines if you want loud clearly reproduced sounds, but for modern high gain sounds a good V30 Cab is the way to go for me. 8)
Never underestimate the difference between an open cab and a closed one.
Yes, I've opened it up an it's definietly an EV.

I was playing around with it this evening. I think the speaker is fine, it is very articulate and not dull like knackered speakers I've had in the past.

I couldn't turn it up too loud - master 3 and channel 3, actually that was crazy loud but it seems much more at home in that territory.

I think part of the problem is not being able to open up the Mark IV properly - at home I have to use a hotplate which lets the amp breath but doesn't get the speaker moving, that's when the bass seems to start coming in. Actually so does a lot of piercing treble, I needed to turn down the presence a lot to stop it shredding my ears off.

One thing I also found out is that even if the EV sounds bad to the ear at low volumes, when you mike it up and record it, it sounds great!

Part of me thinks I should stop fussing and just ****ing play, another part of me wants to take the mark iv to Andertons this weekend and try out that recto 2x12 :)

oh and yes, the 2x12 and the thiele together do sound very nice! :) It's just I WILL at somepoint forget to plug the marshall back together and ruin my mullard el34s so I don't do it very often.
I have NEVER heard an EVM-loaded thiele ever described as lacking bass or sounding nasally. Just not in character of either that cab or that speaker. Don't know what to tell you ...perhaps it's your settings, or you just don't like that voicing??

I have to agree with Edward. My EV Thiele is fat and thick sounding.

I use it under my DC-3 combo to add GIRTH.

If it is the only cab you are using, then you may think it is a bit thin if you are not pushing it. These speakers like to be pushed. Koprofag is right, these sound best to me when used with an open back combo.

You might want to check and make sure that you really have an EV in there. A lot of times, people will mis-represent things. It may have a C-90 or something else.
I had the same issue at first.. the room placement has a TON to do with it I've found.

Does it sound ok when you run it alone? Is it on the floor?
I agree. Back in '95 I bought my Mark IV Combo with a Thiele cab. In the store it all made sense. But at gigs, I too found the Thiele nasally and thin -- exactly what you said.

Traded it in on a 2X12 Recto, and everything came to life. More highs, more lows, less mids. The amp just opened up. I'll play the combo alone if I have to, but WHENEVER possible, I use the Recto in addition or alone.

For what it's worth, I play roots, blues, rock. I have dialed in death metal tones with the EQ on Lead channel, and the recto kicks butt there too.
The problem is the EVM is very hi-fi and you have to keep the presence very low on the amp (0-3), while the Marshall cab is much darker and can take higher presence settings and still sound good.

I keep the presence on 0 with my rig, but I do have a III not a IV. Also the EVM's can be a bit sterile sounding in comparison to other speakers, but they have huge, tight bass and are very clear.
If you run it with another speaker "out of phase" it will sound thin and nasaly.
+1 on running a Thiele with an open back.

My Mark IV sounded really boxy with both one and two thieles...adding the open back really made it fill the room.

I actually prefer the Delta Pro 12a for a thiele...not as bright and a little bit more bass. I'd also suggest adding sound insulation to the inside of the thiele as spec'd in the original EV plans. It does tighten up the sound...

Ken j said:
If you run it with another speaker "out of phase" it will sound thin and nasaly.

+1111111 Make sure your combo speaker is wired in phase with the theile. Also the theile will most definately sound best sitting flat on the floor.
I found the problem, it's not the cab but the amp settings I had!

I pushed in both the lead gain and presence, took away the hotplate and WOW!!

The hotplate is sucking loads of bass even on -4db and the nasaly sound was coming from the gain and presence being pulled. It's taken a year to dial this markIV in but now it rocks - litterally, the bass is like thunder and the tone is so much sweeter. I'm so happy :lol:
boola said:
I found the problem, it's not the cab but the amp settings I had!

I pushed in both the lead gain and presence, took away the hotplate and WOW!!

The hotplate is sucking loads of bass even on -4db and the nasaly sound was coming from the gain and presence being pulled. It's taken a year to dial this markIV in but now it rocks - litterally, the bass is like thunder and the tone is so much sweeter. I'm so happy :lol:

Excellent! Glad to hear it. :D
Most recently I've been using an EV Thiele with a Subway Blues, running both the EV and internal 10" in the combo. Great stuff!

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