Is my V's input after breaking?

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2014
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Hi there,just plugged in my V and it started crackling and the output was going up and down in volume a bit.At first i thought it was a dodgy lead so i tried a few different ones but got the same result.Then i thought it was the guitar.But when i wiggled the lead at the amps input, the volume seemed to come back.I changed leads again and kept getting the same result.It seems like the input is dodgy.Could it be a preamp tube either or even a power tube?I have noticed an ever so slight high pitched ring when i play an A note and slightly less of a ring when i play an E note.It does seem like the input though, because it happens the most when i first plug in a lead.If it is the input how do i get this fixed?I picked it up 2nd hand so have no warranty and there are no mesa techs anywhere near me.I do have another preamp tube arriving tomorrow so ill swap out the V1 tube and see.Pretty damn worried right now though.The amp is only used at home and for recording so isnt getting pushed too hard ever.Ive a gig coming up in 2 weeks as well which doesnt help.Any help is much appreciated.CHeers
How old are the tubes? You could try swapping around the order of a few preamp tubes to see if the symptom changes. It could be that the crackling has nothing to do with the jack, and could be another problem or bad tubes. Tubes are generally the first place to start.
I changed the v1 tube earlier, and put the tube i had in the v1 position into v2 position, as there was an old jj in there.I had planned to this anyway.Seems to be a bit better.But im nearly certain its the input jack as when i wiggle the lead the volume drops.I may take it to a tech to have a look over it,just to be sure.
Does it fell nice an tight when you plug it in? Possibly needs re-tentioning or there is a dry solder joint on the input jack.
Put some switchcleaner on the plug of your cable. Rapidly, repeat insert and remove from the input. Good way to get rid of the odd bit of grime in there.

Sounds more like a power valve failing to me though.