I'm buying a LSC but which one- 1x12 or 2x12 combo - Help!?

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Howdy everyone I am new here but will soon be a brother in the Mesa club!

I'm working with my local shop and I fell in love with the LS and must own it but now I need to decide which one I will buy! So, I figure ask you guys since hopefully there are those of you out there who own both and can give perspect.

Background on me:
- I play mostly clean (think Fender Twin) and low-gain (think Plexi JTM45). I'd say clean 90%, low-gain 10% no metal. So this amp is perfect for me. -When I gig (monthly) I am not mic'd and go against another guitarist, bassist, keys/organ and drummer.
- I am not concerned by the few extra pounds or $100.
- I need to ensure my signal really broadcasts (and yes I know tone helps cut)
- I have 2 cabs ea. w/ a single 12" Eminance Cannibas Rex I could use in the future.

So, what do you guys (or gals) think? The 1x12 or 2x12?

I'm strongly leaning towards the 2x12 so I can push more air than cranking up the amp and never have to worry about broadcasting. But the other side to me says to go for the 1x12 and use my cabs when needed. But then I wonder, will I always bring one or both just in case?

I need your thoughts please this decision is so freakin' hard while deciding on the amp so so freakin' easy!
I have a 1X12 and it pushes plenty of air, the thing is brutally loud.

My jam buddies call me 'The Oppressor' :lol:
I tend to agree - go with the 1x10 and make use of your cabs if need be...
The advantages of a typical 1x12 is that if space is ever a premium, you could always just bring the amp, using the cabs for larger gigs. Unfortunately, the LSC is an oversized cab and you really don't save any space by getting the 1x12. As per the Mesa site, they have the same footprint as the 2x12. If you re-read your post, I think you answered your own question when you state weight and money is not an issue.

strumminsix said:
Howdy everyone I am new here but will soon be a brother in the Mesa club!

- I am not concerned by the few extra pounds or $100.
- I need to ensure my signal really broadcasts (and yes I know tone helps cut)
- I have 2 cabs ea. w/ a single 12" Eminance Cannibas Rex I could use in the future.

I'm strongly leaning towards the 2x12 so I can push more air than cranking up the amp and never have to worry about broadcasting. But the other side to me says to go for the 1x12 and use my cabs when needed. But then I wonder, will I always bring one or both just in case?

I need your thoughts please this decision is so freakin' hard while deciding on the amp so so freakin' easy!
I'm in a similar situation, except that the weight is what I'm concerned about. We're talking a 15 lb difference here (60 lbs for the 1x12, 75 lbs for the 2x12).

I played a 2x12 the other night and it was great. The store also happened to have a 1x12 cabinet, so I unplugged the internal speakers and plugged into the cab. WOW, it sounded great. I am 99% sure I'm getting the 1x12, then later on I will get the 1x12 extension cab for bigger gigs.
Thanks, guys. I'm leaning towards the 112 since it is a bit lighter, it's cheaper, and it's all the store has so I figure it's a good sign that it's the one to get.

Now, what about color???

They've got the Blue Bronco Vinyl and Pewter Grille plus they have the Black Taurus Pewter Grille. I want the Blue since it looks so unique, but it's not unique for the LS.
Ask your wife or girlfriend..... 8)
strumminsix said:
Thanks, guys. I'm leaning towards the 112 since it is a bit lighter, it's cheaper, and it's all the store has so I figure it's a good sign that it's the one to get.

Now, what about color???

They've got the Blue Bronco Vinyl and Pewter Grille plus they have the Black Taurus Pewter Grille. I want the Blue since it looks so unique, but it's not unique for the LS.
TheRazMeister said:
Ask your wife or girlfriend..... 8)
strumminsix said:
Thanks, guys. I'm leaning towards the 112 since it is a bit lighter, it's cheaper, and it's all the store has so I figure it's a good sign that it's the one to get.

Now, what about color???

They've got the Blue Bronco Vinyl and Pewter Grille plus they have the Black Taurus Pewter Grille. I want the Blue since it looks so unique, but it's not unique for the LS.

HA! She's coming with me (GF) for the decision. I was wondering what you guys thought since the stock appears to be the blue and the black appears to be an upgrade in style.
LoneStar Classic kicks some serious ***. I got the blue one, too.

There was a black 2X12 at the store, I tried it, but something was wrong with it, so I went with the 1X12. It's the nicest amp I've ever played.
I've had both the 1-12 and the2-12. I couldn't really tell too much diff. between the 2. I have the 1-12 now and it's waay loud, and not as heavy!

Another olde guy
Just found out my cab came in and I'll pick it up this weekend :D
Ask your wife or girlfriend.....

That's just plain funny (and true)!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a Tremoverb head thats cream colored with a Wheat grille and my wife rolls her eyes every time I get it out. She says it doens't match my black Genz Benz cab and she even said "You should think about these things when buying a new amp". But this is also the same person that was cleaning out the closet a few months ago and set my old '70 Deluxe in the front room and said "you need to get rid of this old thing, it's disgusting looking"... I just laughed and told her the history of it, and she understood. She also hates my Goldtop Peavey Wolfgang and my Red flametop Acoustic guitar. She usually gets her way, but when it comes to my music stuff, that's where I draw the line.

Ask your wife or girlfriend.....

I'm still laughing......

PS. Don't tell my wife I said that
I've got the 2x12 LSC. I just like the sound a little better - and it is probably just in my head.

I didn't notice, but is the 1x12 the same speaker type as the 2x12? The power rating on the 1x12 has to be a bit higher.
cnumb44 said:
I've got the 2x12 LSC. I just like the sound a little better - and it is probably just in my head.

I didn't notice, but is the 1x12 the same speaker type as the 2x12? The power rating on the 1x12 has to be a bit higher.

The power rating is the same. It's the same amp. The perceived volume may ne different though. I believe it;s the same speaker.
I got also and no so long ago the 2x12 LSC, good for me that I loved the color, blue with silver, really cool.

I also have a Fender 65 Twin Reverb RI, for cleans, and with the Ibanez TS9, it's just great, I'm keeping this fender too.

For me there was no chance to try the 1x12, but coming from the fender twin, I was also looking for the 2x12, and when I heard it, I knew that it was the sound I was looking for, and no regrets so far, I'm very happy.
... ahh and for color. Mesa don't have it, but if I had more money, I would have liked that vinyl tolex that fender has, it's brown tooled leather with paisleys, it looks very Texas !! :p