If I move to a Tremoverb, will I miss the "Pushed" mode?

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
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Phil[th]adelphia, PA
I own a 3 channel Recto and looove the Pushed mode on channel 1. I'm thinking of moving to a Tremoverb because its voiced smoother and less shrill than the 3 channel, but I don't know how that "Blues" mode stacks up to "Pushed", which I use for a great crunchy rhythm and lead tone.

Anyone heard a comparison?
Never played a tremoverb b/c they're hard to find in stores, but if the first tones off the Make Yourself album by Incubus were any indication of what the blues mode sounds like, I think you'll be OK.
if you need a little more grit you could always just get an od pedal and use it as a boost to overdrive the clean or blues modes. I've messed with the blues mode on a friend of mines old t'verb (EMGguitarist on here, might want to pm him) and it was pretty sweet. I don't really use my "pushed" mode as I let my maxon od808 bring in the overdrive if i need a "dirty clean".
