I think one of my capacitors is going...

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2010
Reaction score
Boston, MA
When I came back in january after having been away for a month, I fired up my Mark V and instead of turning on instantly like it normally does, all the lights stayed off for a second or two and then slowly faded on. It's done this a couple times since and it's never done it before. It takes the relays a couple seconds to warm up, too. For example, if I set the channel select knob in the back to channel 3 instead of using the footswitch, the amp will default to channel 1 upon powering up (as it's designed to) and then switch over to channel 3 after the relay's warmed up, which only takes a couple seconds as well. The amp functions completely normally (as far as I can tell) besides this, and it only does it after I haven't turned it on for a few days.

So - my guess is that one or more of the capacitors isn't holding it's charge like it used to, since it powers up completely normally if I've recently used it. Any other possibilities? By my own intuition I'd say it won't harm the amp (for now) but I'd like to hear some of the amp techs on here chime in.