I need help with a midi foot controll/triaxis.

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2006
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I just removed my digitech 1101 and replaced it with a xpression.
Having a hard time getting the triaxis to switch with my ground control.
Any one have any ideas what i am doing wrong.
I had it working a couple of times .The xpression is working fine.
This would be hard to diagnose without seeing or knowing your wiring. What comes first? Are you using the the THRU jacks instead of OUT?
ground control out to triaxis in.wiring is not the problem.
Some setup in the triaxis is wrong.
I had the ground control into the xpression working fine.
For about an hour(2 or 3 times) i had the ground control into xpression into triaxis
working fine.then it just stopped switching.
Check the MIDI channel each is transmitting on. Channel 1 or OMNI is what I use on all my rack gear and they all speak to each other just fine.
If it doesn't switch any more, either your Triaxis has developed a problem or your ground control has. Since you can't really change much on the Traixis, I think you should check your MIDI channels on your ground control. Something may have changed. Make sure the Triaxis is receiving channel 1 from the Ground Control. If that is all fine, and you say your ground control still works with the Xpression, you probably have a fault in your Triaxis. I've read quite a few accounts of poor ribbon cable contacts inside the Triaxis leading to MIDI control failure. The good news is that most of them were resolved by disconnecting the ribbons and cleaning the pins and re-connecting. If you know what I'm talking about it, give it a go. If you don't, get somebody to look at it for you.
i tried for hours.with no luck
It looks to be either my midi cable(which is old now) or the midi jack on my ground control.
I just moved the cable and she is working again.
thanks for all the help

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