I just bought a quad! I have many questions...

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
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I'll start off by saying on a whim I picked up a quad preamp after seeing some utube video's that I thought sounded pretty good. Up until then I was using a Peavey rockmaster preamp which I had a 31 band eq on each channel and I was always ajusting settings wondering why I was never satisfied with the tone. Apon plugging the quad in I realized how thin, harsh and lacking the rockmaster is and futhermore how uttery awesome the quad is! I'm having trouble running all my effects into it though. I have one of the late model units with midi but I don't have a midi switcher at this point.

1- Which spot can I stick a 12at7 tube in to give a crystal clean tone? Has anyone tried this?

2- I have a Peavey Classic 50/50 power amp, has anyone compared this to a MB 50/50 or 2/90? What can I use for the best settings?
Is it worth upgrading?

3- Where is the best place to run effects? I hear that a lot of people run them after the preamp but when I tried that I was overloading them.
4- What are some great settings? I want on rhythm1 a crystal clean, rhythm2 I'm not picky, lead 1 heavy metal tone, lead 2 awesome metal solo tone. Any suggestions?
I'm setting this up in stereo which seems to put out more distortion at a lower volume which is a good thing. I'll list off my gear and if some of the more experienced readers can give me some suggestions on how to set this up or what gear is utter rubbish and should be replaced I'd like to hear opinions and some alternatives to what I have now. I originally wanted gear that was easy to tweak without display screens and menu's but I'm open to something new if it sounds way better.

MB quad preamp
Peavey Classic 50/50 power amp
MB 4x12 recto cab
George Lynch dragon way
Boss OC-2
MXR phase 90 evh model
Boss DE-200 Delay rack unit
Boss CE-300 Chorus rack unit
Boss RPH-10 Phaser half rack unit
Boss RBF-10 Flanger half rack unit
Lexicon LXP-1
(for reverb)
The best order to run your signal chain would be pedals first, then:

Quad pre
Boss CE-300
Boss RBF-10
Boss RPH-10
Boss DE-200
Lexicon LXP-1
Peavey 50/50 power amp

As far as upgrading your gear, I would personally recommend that you sell all your rackmount effects and upgrade to either a Rocktron Xpression or TC Electronic G-Major. This would accomplish several things. Your effects quality would be greatly improved, while also greatly simplifying and downsizing your rack. In addition, you would no longer run into the problem of overloading your effects when placed after the Quad.

The Peavey 50/50 is supposed to be a decent midrange poweramp. A Mesa 50/50 would probably be an upgrade in terms of sound and build quality, while changing your overall tone (it uses 6L6s vs. El84s in the Peavey). I personally didn't care for the 2:90 I owned--too dark and smooth sounding. The VHT 2502 and 2902, while pricier, would be even better than the Mesa 50/50.

I can't help much with tube or settings advice.

Congrats on the quad! They sound great. I use mine with an A version 2:90 that I bought new 16 years ago. It's a very smooth and clean sounding amp, and I pretty much always like the "modern" voice engaged especially for metal tones. the 2:90 or the 50:50 would work great with the quad, but I don't have experience with other power amps, but have heard good things about that peavy as well.

check this site... lots of info: http://tubefreak.com/s-quad5.gif

you will find the tube layout with the link I put there. I like the new Tung Sol 12Ax7's in any position. They are inexpensive, yet great sounding. I have heard great things about Mullards as well. If you search the older posts here you will find so much info to the point where it begins to be too much.

here are some sample settings:



you won't be able to pull all the same pots, but it's a start. You can get the quad manual from the boogie website. You can layer two channels together... like engage Ld1/Ld2 together... etc.

Depending on your effects units, you may need to switch the position of the "Line/Level" toggle on back.

+1 on snave.... maybe get a single unit effects processor.

let your ears figure it out.... plug in some settings and tweak.

For crystal cleans you can put a 12AT7 for V21. Great tone with an old Mullard 12AT7 or a JJ 12AT7.
BUT you'll lack a bit distortion in Lead1 setting. Just try it if you have one.

Take a look at this post too :
Thanks for all the input everyone.

I think the most sensible plan for the power amp is to get a MB 50/50 with the 15 watt low power switch. A VHT would be nice but pricey and not as readily available, maybe one day. I'm fine with 6l6's as I tend to want to scoop my mids anyway.

It is tempting to get an all in one effects unit like the G major, I checked out the specs and it looks nice and it sure would save space. On the downside I had a few multi effects before and one broke and when that happens you lose everything. I had another that I found really annoying to have the internal battery run out and all my presets were gone. It's something to consider but even if I sacrifice some sound quality I like the simplicity of being able to just turn a few knobs. I will try running the effects in the order posted above.

I'll try the 12at7 when I get around to taking the setup apart and I'll report back on the results.
I don't think you have to worry about the internal battery dying on modern rack multifx. Also, the Rocktron Xpression is built like a tank and will likely outlast your tube gear. Something to consider.
yeah I dont think battery would be an issue especially since you can backup all your settings on any pc/mac with the vyzor editor.

might wanna check into the gsystem too if you dont already own a midi pedalboard. it would also let you use for loops to use your pedals with. its a little more pricey but it might be what youve been looking for too. (I own a gmajor 2, Ground control pro & GCX and I just ordered a gsystem to replace all that. havent received it yet so not sure yet if its better)
I'm seriously considering the multi effects, I read a lot of reviews for the rocktron x and the g major breaking down though. I listenend to the sample on the rocktron website and it sounded really flat and unimpressive. Maybe it sounds better live.

My chorus rack is probably the best unit out of all of my stuff, it's really a gem when set up right. It would be hard to part with. Do the Rocktron and TC unit's only run one modulation at a time? Maybe I could hang on to it in that case.

Hey does anyone have a problem of a popping sound when changing from lead one to two? I seem to be getting that intermittently, almost always actually.

Back to the tube update, I brought out my secret weapon, my telefunken 12at7 and the difference is very noticeable. The rhythm1 channel is vastly improved, more of a crystal clean and the lead one is better as well! There's more sizzle and aggression to the tone and it makes the lead 2 sound dull in comparison.
Rob227 said:
I'm seriously considering the multi effects, I read a lot of reviews for the rocktron x and the g major breaking down though.

I've used a G Major for a couple years now constantly and no issues other than learning how to use it and program new patches...
Thanks for the input. I'm leaning towards a G major 2, which will be nice to run after the preamp in stereo which I can't do now with what I have.

I hope it's not too much of a pain to program though but I imagine after some fiddling around with it I'll get the hang of it.

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