I have all the pieces, I just need something to put them in.

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2006
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So I finally finished finding all the parts to my new rig. Consists of the following:

-Monster 3500 Pro
-X2 XDR95 Wireless
-Korg DTR 2000 Tuner
-Mesa Boogie Triaxis V2 Phat Mod + Recto Board
-TC Electronics G-Major
-Mesa Boogie 2:90

Footcontrol: Ground Control Pro

Cabs: Two Marshall 1960B cabs in Stereo

All I need now is a 16 space Mesa Sus-4 Rack to put it in (its the only rack I am interested in... if you are selling one in good condition, PM me)

Why do you ask 16 spaces? I want to allow room for adding more gear and have some blank panels for airflow.

I also need to wire everything up. Get or make custom length audio and IEC cables for neat and tidyness. (cable and connector recommendations would be awesome btw. Right now I use mogami for the most part, but I hate the fact they don't twist and wrap well)

Pics will come as soon as I get a rack case. But yea. I love the rig, even though at the moment its assembled on the floor.

nice stuff!!

Neutrik connectors and plugs.
I use them and they are great, high quality.

If you like angled plugs, for Triaxis switch and around them you must have something smaller, i don´t remember what i have there, but something like Switchcraft angled plugs, they are pretty small.


I have angled plugs there, my rack is not deep enough for straight plugs.
I had to do some custom work with my rack (heavy stuff if you have any stairs :D ). Rear panels and easy connectors for all signals from rack to rack. So i don´t have to wire all stuff every time i setup my rack, just few cables. And you can´t wire them wrong
Few pics of my racks:
Here you can see what is going from rack to other.

And this is without those cables