I hate to ask, but..

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Aug 21, 2009
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How does the Mark IV actually compare to the Mark V, just in terms of tone? I keep seeing random posts on other forums of people saying the Mark IV sounds much better. Others say the cleans/ ch 2 are much better on the MKV, so i'm a little lost. A

Again, sorry about vs. thread, I just want to ask the guys who actually own these amps.

I've only been playing the Mk 5 for a couple of months now, so I could still be in the honeymoon phase.. but there are just so many more options compared to the Mk4. I can't go back right now.

The Mk 4 does have a cabinet filling warmth to it in the lead channel that is really awesome, but I can't really say which is better. It's a personal opinion you can make an argument for either side.
I find the Mark V to be a more versatile amp. Channel 2 on the Mark V is better. Channel 3 on the Mark IV sounds a bit more aggressive, but not necessarily better, just different. I prefer the cleans on the Mark V. I love both amps, but if I had to sell one of them, it would be the Mark IV because I need the versatility in the cover band I am in.
I'm gonna stick my neck out there and say that Ch 1 and 2 are better on the V than the IV, and the third channel is at least as good. And the reverb is (much) better. And the footswitch cable is detachable.
I've got both and to my ears, the V is way better !!!! but this is my ears and not necessary yours..... Try the Five with a 4 x 12 !
How bout the sag/response with the recto tube engaged in the V? I kinda miss that from my RK1 I had...

How's the class A 10 watt mode in the V?
Depends what you like. I thought the cleans on the markV won hands down...I think the mark 1 setting on chjannel 2 was the best sounding of any mark channel two...but not very useable in a live situation...so its a tie fpor me...

But...I rate the mark Ivlead channel a 10/10 for its fat, singing miodrangey love, and smooth gain...I give the markV lead channel a 7 out of ten...It was cool, but not as clean, not as smooth, and you have to pull gain from treble more...and I HATE treble.
I like the Mark V version of the IV better the actual Mark IV. I agree it's not the same, similar, but not the same. But it doesn't matter to me because the Mark V gain sounds better to my ears, more modern.