I got a buzz.....

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2005
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Hey guys...

I have the RK II.. Just got it a few weeks ago and I love it... However...
I have noticed this small underlying buzz on every channel.. It doesn't matter how much gain I do or don't have. It's in channel 1 on the clean setting with the gain all the way down. It's in the brit setting on Channel 2. Vintage on 3 and Modern on 4. I have checked it out with different guiitars. It's always there. I have tried the A set and B set of speakers seperately on each channel and, as I said before, I have even checked each channel with the gain literally turned completely down.. I recorded a few mp3s but I don't think you'd be able to hear it if they were posted. It's not an overwhelming buzz but man is it driving me ****** crazy.... It decays as the note fades but I really don't think it should be there at all....

I slapped a few files up for you to check out... I don't think they really put things into perspective.

Crappy Sound Files

Sorry if their too crappy to really hear.. It's just driving me nuts..... They're nothing really just single note stuff so you won't be WOW'ed by the files.

If you can hear what I'm talking about or maybe have an idea what might be causing it, cue me in on it cause, although it may not be noticable to the layman 8) , it's driving me absolutely freakin' nuts..... :shock:

Thanks guys..... I really don't think I'm imagining this stuff...
Hey Peace...

That sucks! I hear what your taking about, cause I know my channel 1 does not sound like that. Did this just happen or has it always been present?

My first impression was it might be a speaker. My bro had a similar problem with is bass rig but that was a dead battery. Maybe it could go as far a bad tube somewhere.
Have you tried every possible configuration in each channel? (ie ELs w/diode...ELs w/tube track... with loops, w/o loops...with foot controller bypassed...send level...ect?) and it still does it?
I hear you on the buzz. It can drive a person batty.

Does the buzz get louder as you turn up your volume, or is the buzz about the same volume? I had a similar buzz on my F-50, but didn't get any louder as I turned up the volume. It drove me nuts!! I found that the aluminum bar, on the back of the amp that protects the tubes was slightly lose. I tightened it down and the buzz went away. Also, try moving your amp further from the wall. You may have some sort of resonation causing the buzzing. The other thing that I would check is put your finger on the tubes one at a time, and have someone else strum a note. Tube rattle can sometimes make undesirable sounds. The only other thing that I heard of that wasn't mentioned in the thread is if theres a piece of insulation that is loose, could be vibrating and creating a buzz.

Try those things and check your speakers. Try playing through another cab to see if it makes a difference. Also, make sure that it's not a loose wire or something rattling in your guitar next to your pickups. As you eliminate things, you should be able to narrow it down. Hopefully, you'll get it dialed quickly.
The buzz does seem to become a bit more noticable as the volume is increased.

I have tried 4 different guitars and it has happend with each. The bar on he back of the head seems pretty snug and the amp is a good distance away from any wall...

As for the speakers, I have ran each channel through the A set and B set of speakers seperately and it it heard regardless of the speaker configuration. I will try another cab just to rule it out but I don't think it is the cabinet or the speakers. Absolutely I could be wrong but I don't think it is the speakers or the cab. I have the RK 4x12 by the way. Didn't mention the cab earlier.

Yeah Matt this has been since I got it.

I will try the tube advice. Would it be any specific tube(s) that might contribute to this type of problem?
Try to eliminate any other electrical/electronic devices in the room. A monitor/tv will make a hella buzz. Also flourescents or even regular lamps sometimes will cause the buzz. I try to turn everything off except what I need to play.
After listening to it, to me it sounds like dead strings or a bad cable. My guitars sound like that sometimes with dead strings and my old cable.
I hear it too. Very annoying.....

Well, have you properly worked the speakers in a bit? If it goes up with volume, maybe one of the speakers are not properly mounted?

I feel sorry for you....it almost sounds like a constant fret buzz.