How tidy is the rear end...

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Hold Fast

Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
...or your rack?

Heres mines


Well when I have a new poweramp and i know what ill want Ill go buy myself some plugs and some wire and make it a nice tidy rack! I know a good rack which is quit has the signal and powercables not put together. I guess when I'm building my rack again ill put all powercables at the left (seen from the back) and all signal cables on the right!
Making it all the good size and stuff is really important. I dont like t when its a mess in the back of my rack!

I would maybe consider taking some compressed air and cleaning all the dust out of that rack!!
Already done!

:roll: Ive left the dust in the 395 as most of it is genuine Californian dust which is quite rare here in the UK! :roll: :lol:

I'm thinking about buying myself a vamp rackmount aswel... just in case someting fails!
it might com in handy to have a backup in your rack!

Well dont wanna change this topic but a v-amp will do as backup. the cleans of line6 are uncomparable but i like the overdrives of the behringer amps more. butt its only as a backup!

I use the V-amp as a glorified tuner and DI for acoustic. Also for recording scratch guitar parts when I cant be bothered miking up.

There are two other Behringer products in there (shock, horror :shock: ), a Multigate and an Ultralink. Got a good deal on them so, what the hey??

Behringer are cheap and cheerful
OK! its my turn...


All switching cables are coloured and on the side of the rack. midi runs to the sides aswell. and all powercables are there to.

All signal cables run freely in the middle of the rack!