How many of you use a Thiele as your primary cab?

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Jul 7, 2009
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I've been using one as my primary cab for about a year now. That being said, I haven't been completely pleased with my tone for about a year now. I'm wondering if I should go for a 2x12 open back. Played a 2x12 Gibson Goldtone combo turned all the way up and the sound was a dream. Wondering if switching to an open back 2x12 would make enough of a difference for me.
I don't generally like the sound of any 1x12 cab by itself. I think guitar tones benefit greatly from using at least two speakers. When I use my Thiele I pair it with a 1x12 open back cab. I much prefer the mixed sound.
Yeah. I'm thinking more and more that I should just use my Thiele as a cab to accent whatever else I'm using. I tried an Express combo (V30) in the store with a C90-loaded Thiele and the sound was really really cool. Much more dynamic than using either one of the speakers by itself.
Well the truth is, I don't gig, so it's mainly for recording. What's your opinion of them for recording? And that's weird, I didn't know they make 2x12 thieles. Who'd you get it from? Mesa? Port City?
I would try a 1x12 open back with the thiele. They sound great together. plus they are easy to lug around or interchange.

I agree with the open back/ closed back combination. Thats why I purchased the V combo...and the widebody 1x12 closed back cab.With the open back combo you get good stage sound.and with the closed back cab some projection and bottom end. so any way you can acheive this either with a head and 2 cabs ( one open one closed ) or the combo/bottom is the way to go. I also agree that you need more than just 1 speaker. I think the slight response differances between ANY two speakers gives you a fatter bigger sound.
Yeah. I'm actually thinking about getting a 2x10 open back with this. I've tried the Express combo with a Thiele. Sounded really really cool.
EtherealWidow said:
Well the truth is, I don't gig, so it's mainly for recording. What's your opinion of them for recording? And that's weird, I didn't know they make 2x12 thieles. Who'd you get it from? Mesa? Port City?

This one is a homebrew project based off of the TL806 plans BUT Dr Z makes a thiele called "Z Best Cab". It has a G12H 30 and a v30 in it.
I haven't had a lot of luck recording with my thiele yet although it sounds great live, especially in a rehearsal situation. I just find it gets a bit peaky in the highs for some reason, especially at low volumes. Maybe it is the v30? The cab is very warm and I should mention that the clean tones are fantastic out of it.

The cab that I've had a lot of luck with so far recording is a homebrew project based off of the Mills Mach 212B. Same dimensions with the interior ported baffle. Uses a v30 and a c90. The difference with mine is that the baffle is mounted intentionally at an off angle and the speakers holes are staggered on purpose. The frequency response of the cab isn't really peaky at all although it is somewhat scooped a bit with thick lows and defined highs. It maintains clarity, even with hugely high gain and is great for gain and lead playing.
From what little bit I've read, it seems that Thiele-Small parameters were used primarily to design a cab specifically for an EV speaker. At least that is possibly how the moniker "Thiele cab" came into popular usage. I have a Boogafunk "Thiele" cab, and it sounds absolutely huge and fantastic........with an EV speaker in it. Put a different speaker in there, and it shrinks back down to normal every day life dimensions tonally. IMO, if you dont put an EV speaker in there, the cab itself will not be all that impressive over any other well made cab.

Put it this way...... if you have one Thiele cab and you switch out several speakers, the cab will not be all that impressive. But if you go the other way and have one EV speaker and change it among several different makes of cabs, then the Thiele "made for EV" cab will be very, very impressive. I personally think my Boogafunk cab improved the sound and capability of any speaker I've had in it.....Webers, EV's, Tubbys. I agree it is most impressive of all when played together with a second cab. But if I were forced to pick one cab to keep and trash the others, I would keep the Thiele, no question.
Judging from graphs I have looked at, the frequency response of one guitar speaker to another varies very little. I'd agree that a speaker sounds best in the enclosure it was designed for, but sometimes cab colour is as desirable as a much more honest sound. Consider: Should we consider the cabs and speakers that Mesa uses when designing their amps? If they tailor the voice of an amp to work with a certain cab design, it will work best with that design even if the tone of the speakers is coloured in a specific way by the cab. I find it interesting that a v30 and c90 2 x 12 (speakers that come stock in most MESA cabs) in an oversized box (something else Mesa likes) sounds best with a recto.

Of the three cabs that I built with my father in law, the oversized one is best for the chainsaw modern tone. My thiele sounds great for cleans and also does a great crunch while the black thiele we built for my brother is possibly the best sounding cab out of the lot of them. (most balanced and does the most tones well) I love the sound I hear when I play my thiele but I was just mentioning that it didn't record as well as the other for some reason. I'll have to do a proper demo of the two of them at some point. Sadly, I can't demo my brother's because he is several hundred miles away . . .
YellowJacket said:
Judging from graphs I have looked at, the frequency response of one guitar speaker to another varies very little. I'd agree that a speaker sounds best in the enclosure it was designed for, but sometimes cab colour is as desirable as a much more honest sound. Consider: Should we consider the cabs and speakers that Mesa uses when designing their amps? If they tailor the voice of an amp to work with a certain cab design, it will work best with that design even if the tone of the speakers is coloured in a specific way by the cab. I find it interesting that a v30 and c90 2 x 12 (speakers that come stock in most MESA cabs) in an oversized box (something else Mesa likes) sounds best with a recto.

My Recto sounds best with a Recto 4x12. I don't think it's the end all and be all as there are certainly many other cab/speakers that will sound good with this amp, but when I switched back to using a Recto 4x12 from an Orange 4x12 I was astounded at the massive difference, despite both cabs using V30s.
screamingdaisy said:
My Recto sounds best with a Recto 4x12. I don't think it's the end all and be all as there are certainly many other cab/speakers that will sound good with this amp, but when I switched back to using a Recto 4x12 from an Orange 4x12 I was astounded at the massive difference, despite both cabs using V30s.

I think Mesa designed the head and cab to match with one another. It is an iconic sound and if that is what you are after, of course it will work best.

I did some recordings with my Zoom H2 to demo both units I have. Mic Placement is a huge issue and it is hard to get an accurate representation of the room sound.

item 1) Mock212B
This is probably fairly close to the room sound. This cab does sound quite similar to a rectocab but will less mud and sag.

item 2) Thiele vs Mock212B. I didn't like the placement for the Mock212B this time around but you can really hear the difference in voicing. The thiele is decided marshallesque and is definitely a very balanced sounding cab. I should mention that the EQ is running basically flat with only the presence at 9:30. These tones are a bit too bottom heavy to be actually usable.

With these results, I'd totally advocate recording with a thiele. You just have to find the sweet spot.
I have owned a ton of cabs (literally!) and have ended up liking my 2x12 Theile's by Hermida Audio. They sound full and open, but tight also. They are the best cabs for me. But, I still have a Custom Audio 4x12 that I keep because as good as the Theile cabs are, there is a certain sound from a 4x12 that you cannot get from other configurations. I rarely use it nowadays... :?

fusionbear said:
I have owned a ton of cabs (literally!) and have ended up liking my 2x12 Theile's by Hermida Audio. They sound full and open, but tight also. They are the best cabs for me. But, I still have a Custom Audio 4x12 that I keep because as good as the Theile cabs are, there is a certain sound from a 4x12 that you cannot get from other configurations. I rarely use it nowadays... :?

The only thing the Thiele really misses is that gut busting thump you get from a close back sealed enclosure.

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