high treble loss of articulation...

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2007
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I have noticed with the Mark IV I have that when I have a V shape EQ or if the treble is boosted in any way, than there is just not articulation for shredding. Other amps I have tried retain there articulation even with boosted highs, how can I still get articulation with boosted highs?
Devon8822 said:
I have noticed with the Mark IV I have that when I have a V shape EQ or if the treble is boosted in any way, than there is just not articulation for shredding. Other amps I have tried retain there articulation even with boosted highs, how can I still get articulation with boosted highs?

Sounds like a classic case of too much gain and/or active/high output passive pickups. The EVM-12L speaker will be as articulate as you can withstand. :lol:
wrong, its at 6 gain, and Im using PAF pros. the distinction between notes is not very tight like a laney or peavey
Devon8822 said:
wrong, its at 6 gain, and Im using PAF pros. the distinction between notes is not very tight like a laney or peavey

Then something is bad wrong. I played a Laney back in the '80s before my Boogie "awakening".

Post all of your settings on the front (including pulled knobs) and rear of the MkIV, EQ settings, and the speakers/cab that you are using. The brand of guitar and wood type might be helpful also. If I can't help, maybe someone else can steer you in the right direction with the info provided. 8)
Devon8822 said:
I have noticed with the Mark IV I have that when I have a V shape EQ or if the treble is boosted in any way, than there is just not articulation for shredding. Other amps I have tried retain there articulation even with boosted highs, how can I still get articulation with boosted highs?

Yeah it's gotta be the guitar or a duff tube or something. The Mark IV's top end is, if anything, a little too distinct unless you're careful. Possibly you've got a bad pot somewhere?
tbh I dont think so... I have never heard any clips with an articulate sounding mesa boogie, Petruccis solos are a mess and when he plays fast its hard to distinguish notes. I'm just wondering if there is a pedal or something I can do to help it?
Devon8822 said:
Petruccis solos are a mess and when he plays fast its hard to distinguish notes.
...uhhhohhh...prepare for the onslaught of Petrucci fans!..maybe its hard to distinguish because..he plays soo damn fast???I am not a shredmeister, but I think the Petrucci stuff I have heard is articulate
Devon8822 said:
tbh I dont think so... I have never heard any clips with an articulate sounding mesa boogie, Petruccis solos are a mess and when he plays fast its hard to distinguish notes. I'm just wondering if there is a pedal or something I can do to help it?

Sell it and buy a Laney then - or set it up properly or maintain it. Definition defines Boogie tone. Which is why I have 3, including a Mark IV which, when set up correctly, sounds badass.
JOEY B. said:
Post all of your settings on the front (including pulled knobs) and rear of the MkIV, EQ settings, and the speakers/cab that you are using. The brand of guitar and wood type might be helpful also. If I can't help, maybe someone else can steer you in the right direction with the info provided. 8)

Add to this list the type of power and preamp tubes that you are using and their approximate age.

The Mark IV has so many push-pulls and switches that it can be very easy to make it sound bad. One wrong move can send you down the road to ****** tone.

Make sure you take note of which speaker "zebpedersen" is using. This is a key factor.
2x Electrovoice, clear as anything :D (non ported cabs, possibly tightens the sound a little on the top end but ported is better for bottom end apparently)
you need your hearing checked pal...im not even a big JP fan, but his playing/tone is articulate as hell (not in some of the instructional, half assed vids..but on all his tours/albums)...as for boogies..they DEFINE tight, articulate, etc...maybe clean up your playing...don't believe me? youtube all the great guitar players out there that use boogie successfully. (there are **** tons...pros and amateurs)
Yeah, I get plenty of articulation with my Mark IV. Try putting your bass and mids at 3 and using the graphic EQ to shape your final tone.
JP would be articulate playing the worst amp in the world, even a Laney.
Know what I'm sayin'?
I find that every Laney (AOR's, GH100L's, etc.) I've ever had to be a bit lacking in the articulation dept, without a treble booster, EQ or overdrive in front of it, for individual notes to kick out in fast runs. Something must be wrong with that Mark IV, which is one of the tightest amps in that respect, that I've ever had. Maybe even *too articulate*.