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May 28, 2015
Reaction score
NE Mississippi
I've had my Series 2 Single Rectifier for a good while now, and finally decided to join after lurking for a while. Just wanted to say that I finally have found an amp that I am truly in love with after much headache. I used to own a 5150 and I still love them, but mine was stolen. Since I wasn't in a band at the time I decided I didn't need an amp, especially not a beast like the 5150. I used a Pod XT Live to record and practice with, and had a few other things like a Peavey Rockmaster and Classic 120 poweramp, and a Sansamp PSA-1 for other things. One day I got into another band and decided I needed a new amp and I decided on a Single Rectifier. I even got another 4x12 (old 83 Marshall JCM800 cab) and changed the speakers (2 WGS Retro 30s and 2 Celestion G12T75s).

At first I loved it, and the longer i played with it the more i noticed a "blanket" effect over the cab. Even with the presence, treble, and mids up high it still had this dull sound to it. Changed preamp tubes, power tubes (from 6L6 to EL34) and it never went away. Was about to sell it recently and decided since my cabs are all 16 ohm I would rewire the Marshall to 4 ohm and see if matching the impedence would help. Now the blanket is gone! Also recently decided to try KT77 tubes instead of EL34s and it is amazing now! And that's just at lower volumes (but maybe a BIT high in my bedroom haha!)

Actually was scared a few minutes ago...the sound started fluctuating and I started wondering if the new tubes were ok, or if one of the tubes in the preamp was on its way out. Checked my wall voltage (since that is the outlet my computer and TV are plugged into...) and it was a bit low. Checked a different outlet and it was fine, and the amp was fine after that! Good thing I'm in the electrical trade, or I may never have thought of checking the outlet! ;)

Anyway, long intro I know! But I figured I would give a little background on my time with the amp. It seriously is amazing now with the correct impedance (didn't think a mismatch would make that much difference!) and the KT77's are awesome sounding tubes as well! Great midrange like a 34 but with more thump, smoother highs, and a very clear tone. Seriously love this amp!

A number of years back I bought and sold a bunch of amps before I figured out it was the cab I didn't like. Since I fixed that I've been pretty happy.
Well, when you think about it, people change out their output transformers to change tone and dynamics, so a mismatch would for sure change the tone at least a bit. Oh, and I never liked 1960a cabs, no matter what they are loaded with. It's hard to find a good 412, if you can't afford a Rectifier cab. Avatar makes some good ones, but they are getting better known and more expensive on the used market. Carvin Legacy cabs with V30s are pretty good for anything rock-metal, and can usually be had for around $300 in good shape. I lucked out and found a H&K WARP T 412 loaded with the stock v30s up top, and Hot100s below, had to rewire it for mono (someone had wired it for stereo), needed some cleaning, but was a steal at $250.

I am still hunting for a good deal on a Rec 412 though, to go with my Tri-rec. I may splurge on one eventually, if the right one comes along.
The cab sounds great, I have no problems with it. I wouldn't mind a rectifier cab but I'm happy with my tone now. I knew having a mismatch would sound different, but I never imagined it would sound so muffled. All is well now though, can't wait to get back home and rock out some more.