Hello from a new member, new owner(Roadseter)

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Nov 6, 2006
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I wish I would have found this forum sooner...

I've had a Mesa Boogie amp for a few months now, my first ever Mesa actually. But just found this place now, and I think I'll be visiting very often with the wealth of information available here.

I bought my current amp, Roadster 1x12 a few months ago and been through some ups and downs. Hopefully I'll have more ups then downs now that I found this forum.

I primarily use a fat strat, once in a great while I use an old ESP which has a EMG pickup. Playing mostly contemporary Christian music.

I'll include some of my amp experiences to get started here.

1. Fender Champ - my first amp, this was a great beginners amp for me. Too bad I lost it in a fire.
2. Peavey Roadmater - head and 4x12 cab.
3. Marshall 1x12 combo - sounded great regret getting rid of this.
4. ADA MP1
5. Peavey Classic 50 - depended on this the most in the past 15 years playing. Sold to help purchase the current amp.
6. Line6 Axe or something like that. A modelling amp. Hoped for it to fill my needs with its versatility. Fell miserable short on feel.
7. Fender Cyber Twin - Again looking for a good versatile amp, although much better than the line6 still just did not feel right.
8. Mesa Boogie Roadster - Wow, what an amp. Just wish it was easier to dial in the tones I like to use.

The Peavey Classic 50 so far has been my favorite, to sum it up, it was a very usuable amp. Decent clean, Decent gain and decent everything in between. But it was fairly generic sounding, while not being bad. It had a pleasant tone.

The Roadster I've found so far has great cleans, awesome high gain. But I'm having some trouble finding some in between sounds. On the peavey, I used play with full gain and just by rolling off on the guitar volume get some nice slightly overdriven sounds. Still tweaking so hopefully I should be able get there.

One question I have is, I've heard of people converting their Mesa combos to heads and vice versa. Is this possible with the Roadster? I'm a bit older now and everytime I have to carry the amp I just about have a stroke, seriously this is the single most heaviest musical equipment I've dealt with. I'm thinking a head would be much easier to carry. I'd hate to have to sell and re-buy but maybe that is the best option.

Thanks for listening and sorry for the leghthy first post.
Sounds like me. I went from a Triaxis to Cyber-Twin+Line6 digital gear and the lost feel was too much for me so I'm going back to a very versatile amp with legendary Mesa tones: Roadster.

Maybe I was spoiled with the Cyber-Twin combos weight. I do prefer pushing a combo on casters vs carrying, but time will tell if I still think this is the way to go. Mine should be here any day now. Also have a Gibson ES-137 Custom coming. I'm into fusion.

The Peavey Classic 50 has definitely become a workhorse for many musicians. The only other amp I'm seriously interested in is a Diezel VH4.

You could probably put the combos head into a custom head cabinet. Not sure if its good to transplant heads or not.

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