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Has anybody bought on ebay from Canada?

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2008
Reaction score
Coastal Maine
Has anybody bought on ebay from Canada? Are there any extra fees for crossing the border with a dual rectifier? Is it sketchy to buy from outside the country?
halfnote said:
Has anybody bought on ebay from Canada? Are there any extra fees for crossing the border with a dual rectifier? Is it sketchy to buy from outside the country?

Same rules apply to anybody...

- Buy from someone with a fair amount of feedback. A new seller with no or 2-3 feedback might be risky.

- You pay PST & GST upon delivery. Custom brokerage fees MIGHT be added depending on who you ship with. The worst one is UPS for that (high fees).

- Make sure it is shipped with tracking and insurance so you have proof it's coming.

- With the exchange rate, might not be worth it... Factor that in!

Good luck!

Hey. I am in Canada and purchase from USA all the time. It's really no different. There are a few extra charges, but they can be avoided, especially if you ship via USPS or Canada Post.

It's really no big deal!
I think if you talk to the seller and get him to declare it a gift you may save a few bucks on taxes, and definitely don't ship with UPS, they will **** UP YOUR ****!!!

USPS flat rate is pretty cool, I've always used them with no probs. :)
You're not getting a Dual Rec into a Flat Rate Box, but the point is well-taken: Whatever you can stuff into the shoebox-size box is about $10, no matter the weight.
+1 on not using UPS or FedEx. They charge brokerage fees, which, by the way, they will charge the seller if the buyer refuses to pay them.
I assume you are in Canada.

Avoid UPS and FEDEX like the plague. Their service sucks ass and they charge huge brokerage fees. I won a pedal for $22 + $10 shipping and they charged me $39 brokerage fees plus taxes. Going through USPS would have cost $0 (plus taxes :p ).

Stick to USPS. It's a little slower but it's a smooth ride.
Jacko123 said:
I assume you are in Canada.

Avoid UPS and FEDEX like the plague. Their service sucks ass and they charge huge brokerage fees. I won a pedal for $22 + $10 shipping and they charged me $39 brokerage fees plus taxes. Going through USPS would have cost $0 (plus taxes :p ).

Stick to USPS. It's a little slower but it's a smooth ride.

I agree with this post 100%!!
Thanks for all the helpfull advise guys. I am in the states thinking about buying the custom tremoverb combo that's on ebay right now for 700 bucks plus 100 for shipping. It's a beautifull amp and a good deal but I think I'm going to pass on it.
The seller disclosed a couple of issues that it has which I think I could probably fix myself (the reason for the price of the amp). After alot of consideration I have decided to stick by my earlier decree that I am not buying/selling large heavy combos through a carrier. There's just too much that can happen. UPS is awefull. I have had two large amps shipped to me in the past couple of years and both times the amp suffered from shipping, both from the carrier and the packaging.
So there's a nice TOV on ebay if anybody's in the market.
+1 on USPS. You may get charged duty, but more than likely you won't. UPS uses their own brokerage firm, so you always get charged duty and taxes, and in addition you have to pay a lame $30 (or higher) processing fee.
halfnote said:
Thanks for all the helpfull advise guys. I am in the states thinking about buying the custom tremoverb combo that's on ebay right now for 700 bucks plus 100 for shipping. It's a beautifull amp and a good deal but I think I'm going to pass on it.
The seller disclosed a couple of issues that it has which I think I could probably fix myself (the reason for the price of the amp). After alot of consideration I have decided to stick by my earlier decree that I am not buying/selling large heavy combos through a carrier. There's just too much that can happen. UPS is awefull. I have had two large amps shipped to me in the past couple of years and both times the amp suffered from shipping, both from the carrier and the packaging.
So there's a nice TOV on ebay if anybody's in the market.
hi buddy. dont worry about the shipping. i seen the amp your talking about. nice other than a couple of issues. i am from saskatchwan canada and i live a couple hours away from the amp your looking at. have the fellow ship it canada post ground. no problems at all. very decent price probably 80.00 cdn or 60.00 usd or so maybe less. i sent a head to texas from my home and it cost 80.00cdn canada post ground. took about 10 days. also insurance is free!!!. best way to ship usps or canada post!!!
take care. just thought i would let you know.

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