Guitar Wiring Question/Problem

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2008
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I just wired my Les Paul with EMG 81/60's in it. I wired it with two Volumes (one for each pickup) and did not hook up the tone pots, they're installed in the guitar but no wires going to em. I always keep them at 10 and I was accidentally hitting them, so I just kept them disconnected.

Now with my toggle set to BRIDGE: I have my Bridge volume at 0 and my Neck at 10 I can still here a bit of sound when I play/strum/pick

The same problem happens if:

Set to NECK: and I have my Neck at 0 and my Bridge at 10, I still here a bit volume coming thru even thow my volume is set to 0.

IF I keep both Volumes at 0 then my guitar will remain silent/no sound when I pick/strum...

You guys ever hear of this? This happened when I had my guitar professionally wired, I actually re-wired it myself the other day to correct the original problem (same problem as I was having which the professional tech did) and the problem disappeared. Funny thing is I used "uses" pots and their was a different issue all together...So, I bought new pots and gutted everything (again) and re-wired it, but now the original problem is back - LOL go figure huh.

I wired it as per EMG's web page and added the 18 Volt mod and it sounds awesome with the exception of the problem mentioned above. It doesn't affect my tone but it just bothers me that its not perfect.

Any idea what the cause is?

Thanks in advance for any help here!
I have a les paul studio with duncans in it (tone pots connected),
it does the same, you can always hear the pickup a little bit, even when it is turned down all the way.

I think that is just how they are meant to be.
I am no expert at this, but I do know that there are different ways of wiring dual volume control guitars. Check out the first 2 schematics on this page. My guitar is wired exactly like you are explaining. It's not necessarily wrong, it just depends on what you want to accomplish with your guitar I guess. I think Gibson has wired guitars both ways. I hope this helps.