Got The Blues Over My Subway

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New member
Mar 22, 2009
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Earlier this year, I purchased a Subway Blues amp. Shortly after bringing it home, I realized I had the dreaded hum that others with this amp have experienced. Not wanting to try any of the "fixes" that have been mentioned here and in other forums, I felt like the proper fix would be to send it back to Boogie and let them put a new circuit board in it. So, that's what I did. After they kept the amp for over a month, I finally got it back early last week. The first day I plugged it in, I played it long enough to make sure the hum was gone and everything did seem fine. However, by the second or third evening I played around with it; I started experiencing a loud pop shortly after turning it on. It starts out sounding much like a bag of popcorn in the microwave, but if you really dig in with some chords; it sounds like a fully auto machine gun being fired. I've tried different cables and that made no difference. I've even heard the popping with no cable plugged in! It wasn't doing this before I sent it back to Boogie and I've never heard a tube amp make popping sounds like this. Has anyone else had a similar experience with a Subway Blues amp or similar Boogie product?

No, I haven't contacted Boogie as of yet. That will be done tomorrow. I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything like this. It just stinks to have to send the amp back after only getting to play it for 40 minutes the first day I brought it home and to have to pay for what they admit was a design flaw. You wait over a month to get it back and then find you still have an amp with a problem that can't be played. This is only my second Boogie and I was very pleased with the Express that I had, but this is getting ridicules with this amp.