Got My triaxis 290 rig today

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2011
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So i got a 290 that is from 1996 and a triaxis from 97 THE RELOAD ALBUM YEAR!!! So does anyone know how to hook these up without breaking stuff lol ?
Guitar------> Triaxis input

Triaxis output (just one if you're gonna use it in mono)-----> 2:90 input (A if you're gonna use it in mono)

Pretty simple. Remeber to keep volume and presence B at 0 if you're gonna use it in mono. What cab are you gonna use with that?
The 2:Ninety is a stereo power amp. Think of it as two separate tube power amps.
Each side needs a load resistor (speaker).

You're fine if you have two cabs or one that can be used in stereo.
Hook up side A to one cab and side B to another.

If you only have one cab or a cab that can't be used in stereo, you'll need to turn the volume and presence down for the channel not in use.
If a tube amp is taken off of standby without a way to get rid of it's energy.. you can blow tubes or worst (power transformer).

I don't know that I'd even take the chance with having a channel set to zero. I will say that I have run into an issue where a speaker cable wasn't plugged in all of the way.
Once I realized it.. I put the amp on standby and secured the connections. Luckily everything was fine.

For Mono use of one channel on the 2:90 turn the unused channel volume all the way down and turn the unused presence all the way up per the manual under Level A/B or better yet get a stereo cab and fx Enjoy : )
HAHA...Reminds me of my 4 year old son who desparely wants to get sounds out of daddy's amp so when I was out and about he hooked the output back around into the input....thank god it was ch1 into ch2, otherwise magic smoke. Close call.