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I've found for the crunch channel I actually use a lot of mids, like 1 to 3 o'clock. If I'm home alone I'll blend in a little EQ preset blend to take out some mids because it can be a little honky with the high gain humbuckers I generally have. But in a band setting it sits very, very well in the mix. That mid-range punch. It may not be everyone's thing but live it really sounds good to me.

When using Edge I generally have the treble at 9 to 11 o'clock as it is somewhat "grainy". I generally don't use any 5-band EQ for Edge.

Mark I mode generally has the base dial off with no 5-band EQ. if I am using Mark I for solo lead stuff I'll engage the Thick with gain up at 3 o'clock or so, maybe higher. For rhythm Thick is disengaged and gain maybe at 10 to 2 o'clock. In any case I have the bass dial to off or never above 9 o'clock as it is a pretty dark channel to start with to my ear.

For channel 3 I use a moderate scoop on the EQ sliders, maybe the mid slider half way between mid and bottom line. The channel 3 bass and mid dials I generally have at 8 to 10 o'clock somewhere depending on gain (higher the gain, lower the bass dial). For all channel levels they are generally around 9:30 to 12 o'clock to get them to balance between all 3 channels. I generally have the Pentode switch engaged on the back for extra oomph in the low-mids.

Hope this helps!
