Geting around the parallel loop issue with effects

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
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I know there has been a lot on here about the effects loop issue. I would would just like to know how best to set up the following FX in a parallel loop. Boss DD7 delay, electric mistress chorus/flanger, Holy grail in that how to set the pedals and send and mix on the recto. I'm struggling to get a decent leed tone.

What would you guys suggest.
Does it work OK with all the pedals in line but turned off? If so, which one screws up the tone when it's turned on? Some pedals digitize the dry signal path when they're on. Older Boss delays up to the DD-6 don't do this, but the DD-7 might - I don't know, I haven't checked it, but the newer PH-3 Phaser and BF-3 Flanger do so it's a possibility.

You might also need to keep the send level fairly low, or you could be overdriving the pedals.