I had a V.... sold to buy an AXE.... then ended up crawling back to another V after a year and a half.... the V gives me all the tones I strived for in the AXE. If you only use a couple presets and effects on the AXE then it's a no brainer. The AXE is made for the musician that records, plays live, and needs tons of different sounds and effects. I, personally, don't require any recording gear, play live (anymore), or a million tones. Just give me my Mark V, Vertical 2x12, and at least a delay pedal in the loop and I'm a happy camper regardless of the guitar I am playing through it.
I've been through my share of Mesas and spent lots of time with the AXE.... and the V is IT for me. I didn't miss the tubes as much as I missed real knobs and no damn menus!