''Gain stacking-tone concepts''

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Well-known member
May 13, 2009
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dundee, scotland
Where ever my band plays and whatever set up i have for my rigs(mesa boogie back line of course) sound guys and other guitarists are forever asking if i use hot pick ups,or special pedals, and how do i get my sound? Well the answer is simple i use the gain stacking concept!Put simply i run a ts-9 tube sceamer set as a clean mid boost(level max,gain right down,tone to taste) into a keeley modded ds-1 set to kill(gain maxed) i then get my rhytmn sound by rolling back the volume on my guitar.I use my Mark 3 the same way if i don't want to use pedals! I run channel 2 set for a tube screamer type tone into channel 3...set to kill lol and lo and behold a killer lead tone again!!! The ability to stack the gain of the two channels is why the Mark 3 is my number one choice in mesa amps...killer tone and a killer amp.Using this concept i can literally shred on my trusty strat or tele if i want to but still have that awesome fender tone shine thru...mmh tasty stuff for sure lol.
:D That's a very interesting way of looking at it!
Most guys that I know who have a III always wonder why R2 affects the Lead channel.
Of course....you would probably have to either not use R2 or like the way it sounds with not much distortion.

Always another "Half-Full" way to look at things!
If you have R2 sellected and then go to Lead channel, R2 is still active.
Try turning R2 on and off with a footswitch or the push-pull pot when you are in the Lead channel.
It gives it a nice liquidy boost unless the gain is really high in R2. I really like it!
In fact, I like it so much that if I didn't already have 4 Mesa's (and we weren't in a recession), I would have a III Blue or Green Stripe!
Ok, I will try it anyway. And if I like it I can use my midi switcher to switch r2 and lead on always, or just use it as a solo boost for some more sustain.