Gain and Mid Boost in Front of Amp and EQ in the FXLoop

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
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So I have the BBP-AT AND have added the RC Booster to my line up.

They sound great.

Here is an interesting discovery.

The Radial ToneBone SwitchBone has a Boost on it. I can select from two types of boost either together or independent of each other, one of which is "Mid" and the other is "Gain".

"Mid" boost has three settings "Off", "5dB", and "10dB".

"Gain" boost has "Mute", "Mid Only", and "Gain" (which combines the "Mid" selection from above with the "Gain" you set via a potentiometer).

I worked with the amps first to dial in the settings I wanted from them directly.

After working with the Radial I settled on some "Gain" with 5dB of "Mid".

This really opens up the sound and defines it a little more with focused and articulate tone.

So now I have gain hitting the front of the amp, pedals hitting the Radial pedal and EQ hitting the FXLoop, which by the way I am now thinking of altering a little bit more now that I have found the feature on the Radial to be so useful.

I want to decrease frequencies in the FXLoop to remove any flub and not so much add frequencies if that makes sense.

Let me know what your opinions are, thanks.

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