Fuzz pedals with Mark V 25?

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Jan 10, 2015
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I'm seriously considering buying one of these, but I need it to play nice with fuzz pedals. I'm currently using a Blackarts Toneworks Pharaoh with either a Marshall DSL50 or a Peavey Classic 30. The pedal is closer to a muff than a fuzzface, fyi. I also have an Orange OR15, but it doesn't like fuzz pedals very much. I think a lot of it has to do with the amps low headroom, due to low wattage. So my fear is the 20 watt Mark V will also fart out with a fuzz pedal really pushing it.

Anyone have any input on this?

I play in a band, and we're moderately loud. The amp would need to handle the fuzz at louder than live drummer volumes.
Turn gain and bass down. Fuzz pedals drive a ton of low frequencies, plus lots of intermodulation harmonics. And following a fuzz with an overdriven amp adds even more intermod, so you have to set up the tone controls so that the preamp is not overwhelmed.

I doubt you would have a problem with the Mark V and a fuzz, but you have to tune it appropriately.

If the OR15 is running flat-out due to your band volume, you are probably saturating the power tubes and transformer. It may not be possible to run it clean enough at high volume. But I recommend trying to clean it up to see if that is the problem. Run the input gain low and the master high.
Thanks for the reply.

The OR15 doesn't do loud and clean. It can do loud and crunch, or (fairly quiet) and clean. Not loud enough to use live with clean tone. So I just don't use it with fuzz pedals. Yes, this is with the master way up and the pre very low.

So what I need to know is does the 20 watt Mark V25 have adequate clean headroom to tolerate a fuzz pedal pushing the beejesus out of it? I know how to EQ it and adjust it, but I don't know if the amp is capable enough.
Interested in this myself.Im a muff fan.I had the wampler velver fuzz for a while.It sounded awful with my mark v(2x12 recto,v30's).Sounded pretty decent with a lonestar special though.Having said that it sounded ok with my mates mark(4x12 recto,v30s) and when i put my mark v through the lonestars cab it still sounded terrible.The previous owner of my amp put a jj tube in the v1 position so maybe that has something to do with it.I have a boogie tube to replace it with for a month now but im not too keen on pulling the chassis out :/