Formula vs Studio - Which preamp

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Hello, I've got a line on a Studio and Formula both for a fair price.
The difference in $$ is of no concern to me.

What I am looking for is for somebody to help me understand the differneces.

I plan on using this live and have the necessary items - pweramp, cab, reverb...

When I think of tones that I like these come to mind: Lonestar Classic, old Mark Is, Fender Twins/Blackface, the sweet crunch of old HiWatts.

With this I'd be looking for a great clean tone with a tasteful crunch.

Anyone have experience with either or both and care to help?
I can't comment on the Formula since I have not tried one but the Studio can get very similar tones to what you ask. Blackface fender cleans, mark tones, etc. Pete Townshend actually used a bunch of Studio pres in his setup years ago.

I 2nd 4nkam. The Studio Pre is exactly what you want. The Formula has excellent cleans...but it ends there. You can read reviews at harmonycentral.
Thanks all! One last question... I see the Studio Preamp has a rhythm and lead channel. Can that be used like Rhythm & Drive channles?

Thanks again!
Yep, they're just general labels is all. The rhythm mode can do blackface style cleans or it can be set to breakup for some nice bluesy stuff. The lead mode can be dialed in for nice lower gain/sustain stuff or heavy crunch/smooth leads :)
