For those who came from a recto...

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Triple Cheeseburger

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2008
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I myself converted to a Mark V having owned a 2009 dual rectifier 3ch. never got a good high gain sound from the Mark though but i persisted and i think i found something i liked. (i am more a rhythm player which i have heard can be a bit tricky to dial in)

coming from a recto i never took the gain on the modern channel past 2 o'clock - never did much for me past then. used a OD to shove it a bit further but that was it. i always liked the less gain more volume approach. I took this to the Mark and boy was i wrong. i was struggling to get a decent amount of saturation in channel 3, often turning to crunch, cranking the gain and not even using channel 3 at all.

tonight i came from a different approach - extreme mode, gain around 3:30 channel volume 9:30 - 10 and master at 1 - 1:30 and WOW this thing finally had balls again! i think the key to good sustain on this channel is to keep the ch volume low and crank the master. it definitely worked and i was happy. i also have the classic v EQ slightly less treble though cause i get some intense squealing if its up to high.

i think the extreme mode for me was the perfect bridge between modern on the rec and Mark IV mode. it still has the modern "flavour" but the tightness and the agressiveness of the IV. (this is my opinion and im sure someone will spit the dummy for me saying this) very impressed.

any other tips i should try out? i have tried shifting the eq a bit more and adding more mids but i really find my ears just love the scooped sound. i dont cut them too much, but i find even with the classic v shape it still has loads of mids anyway.
isn't it the master volume or channel volume the same???? That's what it says in the manual i believe!!!
If you have channel volume on max and output volume at 9 its like having channel volume at 9...
I don't get this...
eveyone says they get better tone with high channel volumes and output lowered... in mine, if i do that it's just the same as having the channel volume low...

PLACEBO!!!!!!!! this is what i think!
If I run my channels volumes at high settings and my Output at volume lower, it overdrives my effects loop. For example, my delay gets very muddy. So I run mine with Channel masters around 8 to 9 oclock with my main output at around 11. I get great sound this way. I also run my GEQ with a classic V with a tad more mid and less highs.
I had the same issue you TS but I came from a Laney and more Marshall-esque amps. What helped me was turning up the mids and highs to about dead on 12 o'clock. Then adjusting the presence and 5 band to compensate; ie scoop the mids to a non-honky amount, increase bass, and reign in the treble side made it seem like I got more gain and a bigger sound.
Marks have plenty of mids to begin with, so you can get pretty liberal when lowering the mid slider and still have plenty of mids left when you're finished.

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