Footswitch going bad

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2009
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Hi all, it looks like the red channel switch on my bigfoot pedal might be going bad. Sometimes I have to step on it a couple times to change the channel. Anyhow, I figure it would be cheaper to just soder in a new switch than to replace the whole pedal if that was the problem. Anyone know a good place to get parts? Also, could it be the cord is bad instead...would it only effect one channel if it was? A couple days ago it got stuck on the solo channel...could this be related? :?:
Called the company...sending the part. Kind of sucked cause it went out in the middle of a show. :|
Go to your Mesa dealer and try it out with a different cord. If that doesn't work then you have two options. First, you could order a new pedal from Mesa Boogie online. Second, if you've been contemplating getting a MIDI controller to control your effects, you could invest in one that will do both -- control your effects and channels.

Hope you figure it out.