First Rehearsal With Mark V

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
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Hi all,

So last night I had my first band rehearsal with the mark v. One word comes to mind "LOUD". I was using my 1x12 cab and my other guitarist had a marshall head and a 4x12 cab. The mark V blew him away literally lol. I can't believe that all of that was coming out of that one speaker. And I didn't even have the output level up half way.

We cover the Genesis song I can't dance and I had chan 2 set on the mark 1 setting 90w and it sounded awesome quite close to the sound on the record. I also can't believe how much of a weight difference the mark v head is to my road king. I had in one hand the mark v and in the other my cab which I carried in from my car to the rehearsal room and I could never do that with my road king. I'm gonna put some casters on though just in case.

Overall I'm very impressed and am lovin" the tones coming out. Thanks to all those that answered my questions on here you were a big help and its definitely paid off as I'm lovin" the mark v. I can'y imagine using another amp ever again. I am considering getting another 1x12 cab and running those together just cause I can lol

Congrats Paulg2uk!

I am sure that you will find many great sounds from your V. Be sure to experiment with all of the modes/features as it is a great amp with the versatility to cover a lot of ground!

Enjoy and best of luck!! :mrgreen: