Finally tried EL34s today. Good stuff!

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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I had a spare, barely used matched quad of JJ EL34s left over from a previous amp, and I decided I'd toss them in just to check out the difference. I've been considering getting some SED EL34s, but I wanted to hear what the basic change would be.

I think it's a serious improvement. The most immediate difference is that the top end harshness is gone, and replaced with some serious smoothness. I'd been dialing my presence and 6600 slider lower and lower, but now I had to turn them up. The amp sings much better than it had before. Since everyone seems to think the SED Winger C's are the best, I'm excited to try those.
Oh man! I just decided to stick with 6L6's and now youve thrown me again!

Cheers!! :lol:
Awesome, I have been thinking about doin the same thing! I think once word gets out about how good it sounds, A lot more people will be trying it...
NR2112 said:
Awesome, I have been thinking about doin the same thing! I think once word gets out about how good it sounds, A lot more people will be trying it...
i forgot which thread i had mentioned this in already, but since i switched from sed 6l6s to mesa el34s, i'm already quite pleased! i know a further improvement would be to go to tung-sol or sed el34s, as well as new preamp tubes. too bad this stuff ends up costing big $$$ when you add it all up.
you also have to take into account the el34's sound better than the stock mesa 6l6gc's.a diff 6l6 may also sound better than both the el34 and the stocks
mejoshee said:
NR2112 said:
Awesome, I have been thinking about doin the same thing! I think once word gets out about how good it sounds, A lot more people will be trying it...
i forgot which thread i had mentioned this in already, but since i switched from sed 6l6s to mesa el34s, i'm already quite pleased! i know a further improvement would be to go to tung-sol or sed el34s, as well as new preamp tubes. too bad this stuff ends up costing big $$$ when you add it all up.

BIG $$$ --- BIG TONE! :lol:

Ima go for those tubes on ebay right now that someone had posted info about earlier. EL34 sounds sweeter and sweeter everyday.

I feel that the mesa 6L6 tubes are really peaky, an kinda harsh. I feel like I can get some good low gain tones outta them, but when I crank the gain, there is a certain sweetness im missing...
I just ordered some SED Winged C EL34s and will get them Monday. If they're even better than the JJs, this is going to be good.
I have the SEC Winged C 6L6 in my MKV, bought JJ EL34's today and plugged 'em in. Must say the Winged C 6L6 were part of a overall tube swap putting in all Tung Sol 12AX7's in my MKV. The diff was significant. Much more articulation and clarity, less metallic sounding distortion. Adding the JJEL34's to the Tung Sols was really sweet. It was so different my wife a few rooms away in the house could tell the difference. It really got the top grainy feel reduced and made it have even better mid harmonics. The guy I bought them from is an old road sound engineer and advised me to burn them in for about an hour before playing them. Not sure if that helped but the amp really really sound good. I am thinking I will get the Winged C EL34's after taxes come back and keep the JJ's for spares.

For what it's worth, the Winged C 6L6 are more metal sounding than the stock Mesa globes, the JJ EL34's give a dead on the nuts hard rock and soaring lead sound. I tossed the old Maxon AD-900 delay on that sh!t and it was sonic sex.... :shock:
eudaimonia02912 said:
I just ordered some SED Winged C EL34s and will get them Monday. If they're even better than the JJs, this is going to be good.

I'm running the SED Winged C EL34s and they are FANTASTIC! Never used the JJ's, but I've heard they are very good too. Got the SED's because their 6L6's are awesome, and I just rolled the dice hoping the 34s would be as good, and they are. They are my top choice now, I keep the 6L6's for backups now.
eudaimonia02912 said:
I had a spare, barely used matched quad of JJ EL34s left over from a previous amp, and I decided I'd toss them in just to check out the difference. I've been considering getting some SED EL34s, but I wanted to hear what the basic change would be.

I think it's a serious improvement. The most immediate difference is that the top end harshness is gone, and replaced with some serious smoothness. I'd been dialing my presence and 6600 slider lower and lower, but now I had to turn them up. The amp sings much better than it had before. Since everyone seems to think the SED Winger C's are the best, I'm excited to try those.

Interesting, I have two Tesla with a white diamond in a 1992? Marshall JCM900. Is there a way to determine if they will work in a Boogie? I would be trying them in a single rec just for giggles. The REC sounds good with the Winged C 6L6's in there. I am so impressed with the EL34s in the MKV it is worth a shot.
Well.. i joined the club today, picked up some mesa el34's.. you can expect a video review / demo within the next week or so (or maybe hour.. lol)
shogun said:
Well.. i joined the club today, picked up some mesa el34's.. you can expect a video review / demo within the next week or so (or maybe hour.. lol)

Please do! I need a comparison
shogun said:
Well.. i joined the club today, picked up some mesa el34's.. you can expect a video review / demo within the next week or so (or maybe hour.. lol)


i just ordered them myself mate, demos pleaaaase!!

I nearly ordered the Winged C's but the warranty worries put me off, I just dont know enough about tubes to risk it! Is there any particular order these things should go in, im guessing not really but thought I'd ask!

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