Finally got my IIC+ back!!!

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Apr 9, 2007
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Remind me to just phone and talk to Mike B the next time I have any problems with my IIC+.

Several months ago I had a nasty issue with raspiness at higher volumes, especially with certain frequencies. I tried swapping tubes, prodding the chassis looking for loose connections, swapping out the speaker, etc. When I finally talked to Boogie support Mike B told the guy on the phone with me that the only thing he could think of was a faulty pull pot. Well, since my tech is mostly retired and likes to get as much cottage time in as possible combined with my busy schedule it was months before I could get my amp back from him and try this out. To make an already-long story somewhat shorter, it was the master 1 pot that was the culprit. A little contact cleaner sprayed in the pot and the problem disappeared. I'll likely need to replace the pot, but I think I'll just wait until I have to and then get replacements for all of the pull pots at the same time.

On a related note, I forgot how temperamental that amp is. By that, I mean that it is sensitive to its environment and how easy it is to dial in bad sounds. That said, after a little reacquaintance it was certainly nice to find those sweet spots again :D .

I almost forgot - thanks to everyone here again for helping me attempt to figure it out myself. You guys rock!!!