Finally got a song down using Mark IV

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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Greenville. SC
I took all day Saturday to record a new song with the Mark IV and my EB Petrucci. I had pretty good luck, except for some reason Acid Pro will not let me open my saved project back up! So, there are some volume issues that I cannot fix until I figure out why AP is freaking out on me. I hope it isn't a Windows Vista problem...

Here's the link (should be available for a week or two): town.mp3

Recording methods:
Rhythm guitars - direct out from Mark IV (Lead channel), double tracked and panned 30% left and right.

Lead guitar - mic'd in front of a thiele cab w/ SM57 on axis, two or three inches to the left of center (Lead channel again). EQ pedal used in the loop to boost mids (that is my preferred method of boosting for solos now). No EQ after recording! A hint of beat synced delay added, but dry other than that effects wise... FYI: My friend plays the first solo and I play the second solo and outro lick (and all rhythm guitar/bass, too).

Bass guitar - Cheap Washburn X100 bass through the line out of an Ibanez SW25 combo amp. VERY cheap setup for bass. Maybe a little compression afterwards, but I can't remember.

Drums - ToonTracks EZdrummer w/ standard kit (best soft synth I've found for drum tracks)

Vocals - None (i'm not a singer), but feel free to add your own! :)

Let me know what you guys think! Keep in mind that I was unable to do a mix the next day (when the hearing fatigue wore off) due to a program malfunction of some sort... If I get it fixed up, i'll upload an updated version.
I love that Rhythm guitar tone man. The Lead sound for the solo was great too but it felt like there was something missing, maby some higher fequencies but that's just what I would prefer, great job though!
Yeah, at first listen it sounded pretty good, but listening the next day I could tell something needed tweaked, as well as some volume adjustments. If I can fix my Acid Pro problem i'll EQ the lead a bit and adjust the volumes accordingly. Thanks for your input!
I fixed the Vista and Acid Pro problem! I had to run Acid in 'WinXP compatibility mode' in order for it to let me open the file back up. Anyway, I leveled out the drum volumes and tried to tweak the EQ on the lead tracks a bit. I think it sounds a tad better. The link above has been updated with the newer version of the song now.

Thanks for all the comments guys! Have another listen if you get a chance...

I dig the rhythm section a lot but it all but disappeared when the lead parts came on.

Where did you set your recording out level on the amp?

Nice job
Platypus: I wasn't paying much attention to where it was set. It could have been at 10 for all I know...

The lead sections have a slightly dirty strummed guitar section in the background and that whole section serves as the 'verse' so to speak. I might see if I can use the rhythm parts from the 'chorus' in the background of the verse to beef up the rhythm section a little. Thanks for the input!