Finally changed my power tubes. (Ruby tubes)

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2009
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So a while ago, i ordered a whole retube, power and pre for my Dual Caliber 5. I got a set of Tungsol 12ax7s, and two Ruby Tubes 6l6gcs.

I replaced the preamp tubes with the tungsols and they sounded great. Replaced the groove tubes that were in the power section with the rubys and i didnt like them. A month ago, i pretty much nailed the settings on my amp to 99% perfect, and though to try the rubys again. The difference was good, its much more creamier in the mids department, more musical and not as just "there", and there is less bass but in a good way, because the bass is much more defined now. The treble is also lessened which i like. not so much lessened as there is more low-treble, less high-treble and more presence.
Nice. The TungSols are darker tubes so they might be helping with your treble woes the most. Power tubes make a difference in texture I have found. I don't much care for the Mesa EL84s. I love the JJ EL84s though! They are smooth and have a nice bloom. I'd love to try a quad of TADs, but just can't bring myself to spend $100 on them. The JJs sound great so i'll just stick with 'em for now I guess. I highly recommend the JJs in the DCs, Fs, and stilettos. You should grab one or two JJ AX7s to play with in your amp. I think you'll like them. It's good to have some nice spares anyway. ;)
TAD's are sick. My friend's Hughes and Kettner came loaded with those. The tone is awesome in that thing still, and they haven't been replaced in over a year. I just bought one for my preamp in my triple, and it made the distortion a lot meaner, i believe i put it in the v3 position(might be v2). tung sol, mesa spax7, tad, mullard re-issue, sovtek 12ax7wc v1-5 i think. Sounds BRUTAL.
