External Switching?

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Jun 22, 2010
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i'm new to the forum here, but i 've been looking into external switching because eventually i want to run my mark V with another boogie head, probally in to a GCX unit, and i noticed there is no external jack for channel one, so i'm not sure how that would work, the roadster has jacks for all 4 channels so does the road king, but the back of the markV only has channel 2 and 3 and eq and solo,

just wandered why boogie would leave out channel 1

if anyone has any ideas please let me know
i was wandering though say you are running the mark5 with the roadster, into the gcx unit, and u want both amps to got to clean at the same time and both to go to dirty at the same time, i just assumed the mark 5 had all 3 channel outputs on the back,

i started thinking about it because my 2010 boogie catalog came yesterday and i saw the back of the mark 5 and thought it was a misprint only showing channel 2 and 3, but when i turned my mark5 around saw it was right,

i'm not running both heads together yet, just wanted to do that later after i add another head to my setup
It is as earlier posted- the default channel is channel one, so it doesn't need an external switch. I'm switching mine with a G-System, and I have access to all three channels.
cool thanks, i found it on the website, but couldn't find it in my manual, like i said i'm new to this forum and wasn't sure if this type of question had already been posted