External Switching Jacks Mark IV

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Jun 10, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

I have a Mark IVa and use a custom made footswitch that plugs into the external switching jacks. The reason for this is that I don't mess with the EQ or loops, and generally only switch between two channels. The switch simply selects between one of two channels, and has a much smaller footprint than the standard Mark IV footswitch.

The problem I'm having is that when switching channels there's a brief volume burst. After the initial burst, everything is fine and works great. It's not a huge deal, but it would be nice if the channel could switch quietly (as with the standard Mark IV footswitch).

I'm curious if anyone on the board is using the external switching jacks, and if they experience a similar problem.

Thanks in advance.

- Jason
Restless Rocks said:
Your foot switch is too slow.

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm using a mechanical switch to do the switching...where might I find a faster switch?

Here's a picture of the inside of the switch.



- Jason
Thanks, but that's a little bit more than I was looking for in a footswitch. Anyone have some ideas on how I can modify the switch I have to get rid of the volume swell when switching channels?


- Jason
Restless Rocks said:
Your foot switch is too slow.

I agree!

When you switch with the mechanical switch there is a brief time were no channels are engaged this is causing your “volume swell thing”. I’m not a tech but I don’t believe a different mechanical switch is going to cut it. I have used the external jacks for years with a “Rockman Midi Octopus” with no problems what so ever. But there again the Octopus as other devices are fairly instantaneous.

Its not the same thing but check out this thread http://forum.grailtone.com/viewtopic.php?t=19615&highlight=
A custom footswitch for a Mark III (I love the design BTW) but my point there is more going on there than mechanical switching, as asked by another user.

Shep said:
Wow That is cool. I would love to see the switching logic chips and how they work..
Thanks 6L6C, that explanation was very helpful. Makes a lot of sense as to why the mechanical switch won't work. There's definitely a lot going into these pedals.

- Jason
I'm with 6L6C, I've been using the Rockman Midi Octopus for years and it's the only way to go as far as I am concerned. From there you can plug in ANY midi foot controller. I have tried quite a few, ADA, Lexicon, and am currently using the Mark IV with a TC Electronics G System and its foot controller. Switching heaven!!