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Start with connections, footswitch, the V-3 tube. Oops, V-4, just checked the manual.
Yeah, my reverb has been a little funky too, and finally seems to have settled into barely-audible when cranked. I tried swapping v4, checked connections, took it out and shook it... nada. I finally just yesterday dropped it off at the warranty repair guy in the area. I'm sad. :( Good timing though, as I'm about to go on vacation, so hopefully it'll all be in ship shape by the time I get back. I'll report back when I hear what the problem was.
who did you call to set up the repair?
I live in northern california as well.
goneloco said:
who did you call to set up the repair?
I live in northern california as well.
I took it to Powerage, in Oakland. Where are you? You should check the authorized repair locator at mesa:

There's a certified Mesa shop in Vallejo too.
Hello all, apologies for reviving a long dead thread, but I have a question on a similar subject. :)

I recently picked up a pre-owned Lonestar Classic. It works great, except the reverb control on channel 2 doesn't seem to do anything (it works just fine on channel 1). What could it be?

I know that the 'verb effect on my Nomad is next to non-existent on channels 2 and 3 and the Web says 'yep - it's super subtle on that amp on those channels', so is this something similar for the Lonestar or do you reckon it as a fault? If so, how would I begin to diagnose?

Thanks everyone and rock on.
Thanks djw.

Any other pointers pls anyone? Could it be something simple like a tube for the 'verb circuit? I'd hate to haul it into a tech for something that might be easily rectified...

Yeah, couldn't hurt to try another tube, but I pretty much doubt it's a tube issue if the reverb works in one channel and not in the other.

I just had my reverb fixed under warranty, and the issue was a bad reverb transformer. But the issue manifested in both channels, so that might not be your problem either. I guess if it were my amp at this point I'd be looking up a tech. :roll:
You might also check the Pot for the Channel 2 Reverb. If it took a hit while moving it around, it could be damaged. Does it feel looser than other pots?