EL34's for my single rectifier.. have some questions..

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May 7, 2009
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So I want more tightness and crunch definition and I have been reading that the EL34's will do this..

then I have read that the KT77 EL34's are great.. I found a Matched Pair of JJ's on EvilBay for $34 USD

the same seller also sels the same tube but in a reissue brand called Genalex Gold Lion at $90 USD


are they double the price better in sound :p ??

I am also able to get standard Mesa EL34's for $119 AUD

What brands should I be looking for... ?

Do I need to change settings on the amp other then flip the switch from 6L6 to EL34 ?

any help would be great... Cheers !!
You need EL34s that are fall within Mesa's specs. I don't suggest buying a random pair off ebay hoping that they'll happen to fall within those specs.

I also wouldn't suggest getting the Mesa branded ones. They're good tubes, but anything Mesa is way overpriced in your part of the world. Mesa EL34s are EHX EL34s that've been tested to fall within Mesa's specs and re-branded with their label. Any reputable tube dealer in your area will be able to sell you the same tubes less money.
Im confused... so not just any Mesa EL34's will work in my Single rectifier ?

How do I know what specs range my amp is in ?

Honestly in Australia those local dealers you talk so highly of are a bigger rip of then those ebay prices I see, so no I would rather by online then in my own backyard..

INFACT I refuse to buy any equipment in Australia untill they change their attitude to prices in Australia...

Its the biggest rip off period on any equipment... They can all suck my Mesa :p
You can use any Mesa Branded EL34's in your amp. They will all fall within range. Mesa buys tubes in quantity, then tests each tube at the factory to make sure they fall within range, then package them in duets. They color code them to let you know how to buy quad sets (you can still mix and match but it's generally better to buy all the same color). See this post:


If they are NOT mesa branded, you will need to have someone test them to make sure they fall within Mesa's bias range. I tend to stick to Mesa Branded tubes until the warranty expires. Then I take my amp into my amp tech, ask him to isolate the bias range that amp runs at, and then they can throw tubes in the tube tester to make sure they are within range before I buy them. He likes the sell me tubes that run a bit "hot" and match them up (in your case it's 2 so it's a little easier to find a matched pair). I trust my tech's advice as I have been dealing with him forever and he's always got my amps sounding great.

That being said, I would never buy a set of non mesa branded tubes from E-Bay as you would not have the luxury of testing them before purchase.

As to the effect of various tubes in your amp, only your ears will be able to guide you. EL34's in a single rectifier give a bit bolder, marshally sound in my opinion. And yes, I used to own a rectoverb.... I use EL34's in my roadster, and love them. I have a big stash of EL34's and 6L6 tubes (as well as a number of 12ax7) so I can change them around when my fancy demands the sound to change. I suggest you do the same.

And yes, you should flip the switch to EL34 when using EL34 tubes. It changes some of the characteristics of the amp to accommodate the EL34. Others would be able to chime in and give you specifics here. I have heard of people running mismatches with the switch, but I have never done it, and wouldn't recommend it.

Hope this helps!
Ok so I was able to get these on Ebay for just over $50 AUD shipped to my door..

thats a $80 Saving if I was to buy it in Australia..

I assume these will work fine in my rectifier as they are Mesa brand..

can someone just confirm this..

Cheers !!

EL34's made a massive difference in my single recto. I had JJ KT77's but they just didnt do it for me. El34's added for crunch and clarity. Thats the only way to play a single recto. The EL34's were svetlanas.

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