Effects send level question

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2005
Reaction score
Bellwood, PA
Hey guys, got a question here...Does adjusting the effects send level on the back of the amp change any aspects of the gain, saturation, tone or dynamics of the sound?...I've had to drastically dial it back (on the negative side) to get a proper balance of volume when I engage my loop with my delay in it. This particularly pertains to the third channel in any mode. It doesn't seem to happen with the other two channels...I run the channel volume at 9 o'clock and usually run the master volume around 10 to 11 o'clock when I play live...I can't turn my channel volume up any further and if I do and then engage the loop, the volume drops considerably...I'm running a VOX Time Machine delay and a BOSS CE-5 Chorus...I dialed back the effects send control and this seems to have balanced it a little better...Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks.

I have a similar problem on a single rectifier. If I try to run a boss delay through the loop, I can not get it work with turning down the loop mix. When I do, the volume drops significantly.
Some BOSS pedals don't do line levels signals well and will distort when you hit them that hard.
It very much affects what you mentioned...from my observation over the past one year.
A couple of suggestions...

Roll back the fx send level loop on the Mark V to either 10 o clock or 11 o clock position...no lower than 10.
Push the channel volume up higher (between 11 and 1 o clock), reduce the overall output volume knob

Then level match on the delay pedal

You might find what you're looking for with just the above