Effects loop output odd

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2014
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I'm not sure how the effects output works. It seems to not be consistent from channel to channel. I was running different watt settings 45w on channel 1 and 10w on channel 2 and 3. How is the output of the effects loop determined? I run a stereo setup splitting the signal with a stereo chorus running one output of the chorus back to the Mark V and the other half to a power amp and to another cabinet. On my last job I got the balance set using the clean channel at 45w but when I switched to the other channels the balance was wrong.

Any idea of what is going on and what I can do to correct it would be appreciated.
OldTelecasterMan said:
I'm not sure how the effects output works. It seems to not be consistent from channel to channel. .........

The channel masters are before the FX loop send, and their setting effects the signal at the send jack.

It's a balancing act between channel masters, and it's a PITA for sure.

I'd recommend to start from bypassing the FX and set up the channels master volumes so they are even when you switch between them.
That usually means for me that the first channel master is set highest (if not tweed mode) and then the channel 2 in the middle and ch3 the lowest.
When their perceived volume is even then the signal going through the fx will be also even. I would then recommend to set the FX send level so there is no jump in volume between fx on and off postions. This i would recommend to be done in hard bypass for the stuff in the loop (i.e. with the least amount of pedals - on my TC nova there was a preset for that)
Then the last thing is to set the fx loop "members" to the unity gain with the amp or to make sure that when engaged the are not affecting volume in undesired way.

That way i can switch between the channels and effects without change in the output levels.
eguess74 said:
I'd recommend to start from bypassing the FX and set up the channels master volumes so they are even when you switch between them.
That usually means for me that the first channel master is set highest (if not tweed mode) and then the channel 2 in the middle and ch3 the lowest.
When their perceived volume is even then the signal going through the fx will be also even. I would then recommend to set the FX send level so there is no jump in volume between fx on and off postions. This i would recommend to be done in hard bypass for the stuff in the loop (i.e. with the least amount of pedals - on my TC nova there was a preset for that)
Then the last thing is to set the fx loop "members" to the unity gain with the amp or to make sure that when engaged the are not affecting volume in undesired way.

That way i can switch between the channels and effects without change in the output levels.

Thank you very much.

Working different places each weekend I decided to watch my Watt settings and run them all the same. It kills me sometimes cause I can hear things that I don't like and compromising for consistency is a hard one to swallow. I have to be able to get in, setup, dial my sound and get out. Each place dictates my volume level especially sound checking in an empty room with no sound guy.