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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
Reaction score
Raleigh NC
so I got rid of all of my line 6 gear and went with some pedals. I noticed with the l6 delay in the effects loop the volume would jump up and with the carbon copy delay the volume went down and tone went down. I have the CC at the end of the effects loop after the volume pedal. I tried messing with the effects loop volume and still same thing then I tried the l6 and the volume jumps up. How do I get around this please help!
I dont have many pedals in the loop but could this mean I need a buffer before or after the delay in the loop?
I doubt that the problem is with the amp. I have no problems with a Timefactor and a Space in the loop of mine.
I called dunlop and they said it was the pedal. Because I run in mark 4 with the v curve they said the pedal does not work good with any amp in the effects loop with the v curve unless you run up front. I returned it and got the flashback + looper pedal and wow this thing is incredible! Will test it out tomorrow on the head.
OK So.. TC Electronics Flashback hands down in the effects loop is perfect with the Mark V no Volume changes no clicking perfect delay using 2290 setting. Love this pedal. I was a big line 6 junkie before but not anymore my m9 is used for weird intro stuff and to switch the amp with the mini amp gizmo turned all the effects off. TC and MXR (not Carbon Copy :)) all the way :)
I was using the l6 m9 as a volume pedal controlled via midi before. Once I turned off all the effects my tone sounded allot better less feedback too.
Turning on the buffer switch in the TC Flashback helped out allot too. ?I cant say enough about the pedals they are incredible!!