ECC 82 In Mark IVA

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
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I recently got an ECC82 (12AU7 right?) by mistake. Can I use this in a Mark IVA? and if so in which slot? I think this is a lower gain tube so is the V4 reverb the only place?

So if the gain is so low..should I just dump this tube? I've also heard some people swear by them in the phase inverter slot of a higher output amp to give richer
harmonic overtones and overall lower output, forcing you to crank it up to get the more compressed/saturated
tones at reasonable levels. If this is true....even if I use 12AX7's in my V1 - V3 (2 and 3 being gain) with the gain be lower? or will the gain be at the same saturation with just the over amp volume lower forcing be in increase the volume levels?

For what its worth , i also accindently got one RFT ecc82 last time i bourgt pre tubes for my simul C+.

I tryed it in v1 v2 and v5, and i can comfirm that this kind of tube is a BIG NO NO at least in a c+ amp.

Not only did the crunch in lead sound almost go missing with the gain maxed out in lead mode, it also lost alot of balls and gain and sound.

To me it ruined the balance in the amp completly, and it was not a matter of turning it up higer or lower , remember mesa mark amps is a very preamp dominated designed.
If it says 12ax7/ecc83 on the mesa amp tube socket that is what the amp was designed and measured out to use.

IMO dont use it, or try doing the same as i did and hear the outcome for yourself
Thanks..much appreciated. Yep..I bought a bunch of 12AX7's and one box..even though labled ECC83 was a ECC82. I won't be able to make a trip back for sometime and was just wondering if there was any use so I don't have to go back. Guess I'll just shelve it.