ear plugs and ear infection?

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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
Dahne, AL
I doubt it's from the ear plugs. Unless of course you never ever replace them and they
really nasty then I suppose you could get an infection. I fly in helicopters for a living
and wear ear plugs as well as the ear muffs that are in my helmet and I've never had
an infection. I've been flying for about 11 years.
Good luck!
Sorry to hear. But I really doubt it's from wearing ear plugs. Not that it couldn't happen, I know after a while those things can get a little crusty, especially if you re-use them. Who know what could be lingering on those things. But I've been wearing ear plugs almost daily (for my job) since 1991 and have never had an ear infection.

Dang............now that I said that, I'm going to get a fricken ear infection. :shock:

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