Dunlop Crybaby Rack Wah Volume Loop Question

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2006
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I am considering picking up the dunlop crybaby rack wah. One question, is the volume loop totally separate from wah signal chain? I would like to run my signal chain as follows: guitar>rack wah> comp/overdrive> amp >amp's effects send> rack wah's volume loop> delay > amp's effects return.

I greatly prefer running the volume pedal after gain stages and before delay stages.

Checked the manual online and it's tough to tell what the deal is with volume loop.

Anyone running a rig with the rack wah that knows the answer?
Yep totally independent... Although I never tried it myself. But it has an in/out reserved for that but u will need to provide ur own pedal...
Thanks Luigi. Just heard back from Dunlop support that's the case...

Will be good to not need another 10/20 feet a cable carrying the guitar signal each direction to and from the rack to pedal board. Hopefully it will sound decent.

Just got the rack wah last night. Going to set it up tonight. You been digging the rack wah?
What I like about this Wah is that it's user configurable. Very versatile. I bought this like 4 years ago and I know I'm gonna keep it as long as I play guitar...