Dual Recto Tone Question

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Jun 12, 2009
Reaction score
South Australia
Hi there guys,

I am new Mesa owner who recently purchased a Dual Rectifier Solo 3channel head with a Recto 4x12 Cab and have a few questions about tone...

I have found the amp is great for obtaining a Adam Jones (Tool) style tone on channel three in modern with the gain set to 12 to 1 o'clock however when trying to dial in a metal rhythm tone lets say Metallica MOP era for example I have noticed on channel 3 with the gain turned up a bit more it begins to sound very saturated and "fizzy". Today I was messing around with settings on Channel 2 in the modern setting and I noticed it sounds a lot more smoother when the gain is even turned up to 3 o'clock and there is a lot more clarity in the tone. I am just wondering what your guys thoughts are on using channel 2 for gainy thrash rhythm tone channel and channel 3 for a more modern metal/rock tone.

The DR is a looser feeling amp that the MarkIIC+ and JCM800 (think just the power section was used) used to acheive that MOP tone. That's not to say that you can't acheive a decent tone for Metallica.

Try channel 2 Vintage, presence rolled off a little, mids about noon, gain about 1 o'clock, Rectifier tubes, with a TS808 or Maxon 808 outfront.

That should get you close but the OD (gain o, tone 50%, level maxed or set to parity gain) is key.

You'll find benefit to AJ's tone with this as well. Remember AJ over the years has used a combination of amps (Opiate and Undertow - Marshall Super Bass, Aenima - Dual Rec and Marshall Superbass , Lateralus - Diezel, 10,000 Days Rivera Mick Thomspon K-Tre)

The Dual rec does get good Tool tones for all albums though.