Dual Rectifier vintage mode question

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Jan 26, 2015
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Hi there,

I'm the proud owner of a new (used) Dual Rec 3ch non-multiwatt.

I've just got some questions about things I noticed after testing it at home...

If I put both ch2 and ch3 in vintage mode, with all the controls at 12 o'clock, then according to the manual, I should hear a lot more presence in ch3 than ch2, as the ch3 presence control "picks up where ch2 leaves off".

However, I find the opposite is true. ch2 sounds a lot more present than ch3 at those settings, and even increasing the presence in ch3 doesn't help much. In fact the presence control in ch3 hardly does anything until you get to around 8 or 9 (out of 10), and then it suddenly takes off.

So in summary, in vintage mode, all controls at 12, ch2 has more presence than ch3, and this remains the case until ch3 presence is turned past 8 (out of 10). But with presence maxed out on both channels then ch3 does have more presence than ch2.

Is this normal or does it indicate an issue with the pots (need cleaning?) or the valves (need changing?)

Oh and another thing, the output volume control doesn't do anything between 0 and 2, but then the volume suddenly kicks in big time, like turning it 0.1 degrees will increase the volume significantly. Again, normal or does the pot need cleaning?

Thanks in advance!
My roadster operates the exact same way. Raw and Vintage modes on my 4th channel require very high presence setting to sound the same as they would in channel three. However in modern mode channel 4 does indeed have a much more aggressive presence curve.

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