Dual Rectifier help!?!?

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Aug 25, 2006
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Hey guys. Just a quick question. How do you have your duals set up. Triples or singles even. On the back by the fx loop. The switch can either go bypass loop, channels 1-3, ft switch, or always on i think. For people that dont have any rack stuff or anything. How do you have this set up. When i have it on bypass loop i get a more full deep sound and control the volume with the master on the channel. (the output is bypassed.) If i put this switch to loop always on then i control the volume with the channel master and the output. But i get ALOT more distorion but it doesnt sound as warm. I could turn the channel volume all the way up and have the output volume a little over almost nothing. Wouldnt that max out the preamp tubes?? Which is the "correct" way and how do you guys do it.
Everyone has a different tonal preference so take this suggestion as something to try and see if you like it.

I like keeping the loop engaged for two reasons. Most importantly I run a lot of time sensitive effects (delay, chorus, vibratto, echo) so having an FX loop is pretty much essential to my sound. The other is that you can set individual channel volumes and mixes of preamp and post amp distortion but then use the output knob to take that sound to a new level of distortion. If you EQ the amp properly you won't lose any low end, trust me.

That being said, when I'm not using my effects and just playing straight in, I always bypass the loop because I think it sounds a tad better.

It's a compromise to have the extra features but honestly having a more versatile amp is more important to me.
I don't use effects, so I keep the loop bypassed! Actually, I don't run effects because of both the affected tone when the loop is engaged, and the tone sucking of most effects!
Mesa uses a tube buffered Effects Loop. What this means is that you get an additional Gain Stage with the Loop Engaged. Try using it for more articulation and drive.

If you want to run with nothing in the Loop, that's cool but try engaging in, turning up the send and returns past 1 o'clock in the back, engage the Effects button on the foot switch and then Engage the Solo button on the Foot Switch, adjust volume to taste, but louder will prove this example faster. Now disengage the Solo and Efx buttons on the FS. There is a noticeable gain reduction.

I have a Lonestar that I did this same thing to after reading an article from Andy Timmons stating that he did this.
you have the right idea, but are doing it backwards. You need to turn the Output up high, maybe 12, 1, 2 oclock--and then put the channel master very low, like 8oclock. achieve a balance, but try to have the Output always higher. What you want is powertube saturation, not preamp saturation.

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