Dual rectifier crackling/sputtering noise problem

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Jun 12, 2009
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Once my amp's fuse got blown out and took away two power tubes, there has been a noise disturbance in my amp. I've made a video of the noise and its on all the channel, lower in the clean channel. I replaced all my tubes from euro tubes including the pre amp tubes but the noise is still there. Please check the reference video:


The noise is there even if my guitar is not plugged it. The random crackling noise is sometimes low sometimes a bit more.

I live in Bangladesh and there is no certified tube amp technician in my country. Please tell me what should I do.
Well, don't you have some bigger music store around you ? Usually they should have technicians who could take care of your problem.

If you already have changed tubes, there's probably not much more you can do. Have you also checked the speaker cable ? Bypass the loop ?
I checked all the cables, bypassed the loop, tried everything but the noise doesnt go!!!
Schizo said:
I checked all the cables, bypassed the loop, tried everything but the noise doesnt go!!!
i have the same problem on nomad 55,did you find noise source?