Dual Rectifier and Cobra Clip

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May 29, 2005
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Here's a song by my son's Band that I tracked several days ago using my Dual Rectifier and Cobra.

The Dual Rectifier is on the Right and the Cobra is on the Left. Actually there's four tracks with the other two tucked under the main tracks and on the opposite side.

The Song is We Still Have Chivalry

Take a listen...
I like both... but I'm really partial to the Rectifier. I just like that tone. The Cobra can get pretty close though... and the Cobra Clean Channel is excellent.

Thanks for checking it out...
Hey - is this clip still available somewhere? I can't get to it from the link you posted and I'm really looking at getting a Cobra or a Dual Recto so it would be a good way for me to compare.

Thanks! I think the "Rev1 Reamp of Septic Ashes" clip sounds the best on the list!!

Guess I'm not convinced on any of the Cobra recordings I've heard - doesn't seem to have the nice smoothness of some other amps I've heard.